
Thursday 18 July 2013

I lost my voice! Or who took my comments away?

No, not really but I did loose the ability to leave comments both on my blog and on many others. Seems I am not the only one, for a start Big Lee also had the same problem and posted on the help forums and was got the info from a rather nice chap. 

Lee noticed I had the same problem as he and posted the link to me so I could correct it, and that my friends was what I did and it was quick, painless and actually worked so I thought it a good idea to post it here.

Go to Template for your blog and click on link near top of page to back up your template. 

Once you have a secured a back up of your blog template, click on Edit HTML and you will see the html editor come up. Scroll down to the bottom of your template to where you see code that looks like this.
<script language='javascript' type='text/javascript'>
(function() {
}, 0);

Change the 0 to 500 so it looks like this.
<script language='javascript' type='text/javascript'>
(function() {
}, 500);

Click on Save Template. Hope this helps.

So if you have wanted to post comments and not been able to try again. Big thanks to Big Lee for the help.

Don't forget the blog giveaway for the book, still time to get your name down if you want a go at this slightly different giveaway.


  1. Glad to see you have your voice back

  2. If you can read this, your fix seems to work!

    (Thanks for sharing)

  3. Good to hear there was a solution, caused a little grief on blogland.

  4. great I can comment again, dam I have nothing to say :)

  5. The new weird one I´ve noticed is that on Blogs with captchas, the captcha Shows up blank when i make a post, the cure I´ve found is to click publish button a couple of times and the captcha appears......eventually.

  6. Good to hear that there was a solution out there; well done Big Lee!

  7. This did come across my radar, but only after I had given up on dynamic views. My issue was that my blog was not displaying correctly at all and I could not access my blog list from my own blog. Sure there are other ways, but that was the last straw for me. Looks like I'm back into only 100 views per day instead of the 250 - 300 bottom I was seeing with dynamic views.

  8. I'm glad you got it fixed as I was worried about what you might think because I wasn't commenting on you.

    The dynamic view is Bloggers way of trying to mimic Tumblrs layout as they've lost a lot of young people to Tumblr. The thing I don't like about it is that I can't view your followers and I can't see your blog roll. I use blog rolls to "blog hop" and find new blogs to read.

  9. @ Thomas, Well I can see it, does that also mean it worked ;-)

    @ Fran, yes indeed, though I understand Blogger is aware of it and working on a fix

    @ James, look at me, it's not stopped me yet,

    @ Paul, not come across that one yet, more bloggers now seem not to bother as much with captchas

    @ Michael, Yes Big Lee's the hero of the piece, was surprised the fix was so easy and Big Lee made it possible

    @ Sean, Dynamic view has a couple of plus points, it gives you loads of hits but better still I see so many old posts still get a look at. I've heard ducks fart being a very successful post ;-)

    @ Anne, I will be honest but I would not think anything bad if you go a period of not commenting, though at the moment now I know your not 100% I would be worried if I did not see you cropping up places.

    I really do not like how you don't see such as the blog roll as I WANT you to blog hop, it's one of the best things about blogging. As such I had already decided that I will spend one month dynamic and one month classic to try and get the best of both worlds



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