
Sunday 21 July 2013

ModelZone Closing Down Sale - Nottingham

I was in Nottingham yesterday to check out the Foundry Shop for Blog-Con (more on that when I can download the pictures). But on Friday I found out that ModelZone had gone into liquidation and are selling off the stock. Further more Vallejo paints had 50% knocked off the price. Now it's almost a month since receivers were sent in and I did not expect much to be left. As such I was pleasantly surprised to see the paint racks still reasonably stocked.

I came away with ten paints, I could have gone more but all the colours I would have added were probably going to be seldom used. That being said I will still buy some more next time I go if they have any left. At the moment most items are only 20% reduced, but experience says that if you time it right then many a bargain can be had. At the moment though 50% off paints, sprays and modelling tools is a great incentive. The Woodland Scenic's is still just 20% so I hope to pick up some of this once the price drops.

ModelZone blame poor choices in leases and internet competition as being he main reasons for closing down. The Internet is an old chestnut and one I have some sympathy over but many a brick and mortar shop had lower prices than ModelZone but the Internet could really trash them on plastic kits.

Poor decisions over leases though is really bad, this is a time that many shopping centres and outlets are prepared to give long periods of free rent or turnover only based rents, basicly offer almost free (and in cases free) rent just so they do not have as many voids and  someone else pays the rates. About four years ago Business rates was changed so that full rates are levied on empty shops which the landlord would be liable for, this made a good number of units suddenly become cheap whilst units in area's with no retail growth become a lead weight around the owners neck! Rather than stimulate retail it actually chocked the long standing profitable retailers as fly by nights came in with little or no rent and sashed prices in many cases sending the established retailer who was tied into a high rent into none profit. Anyway I digress, what ModelZone's owners really meant was that they tried the old tactic when confronted with shrinking sales and opened lots of units in a bid to push turnover up.And in doing so seems also was stupid enough to PAY rent at something like normal prices. Never did it cross their minds to cut prices or have special offers etc. to stimulate sales, instead they opted for high prices and watching their profit and loss sheet falter, no dobt throwing more money into yet more poorly conceived stores. 

So it may still be worth nipping to your local ModelZone, bargains may await.


  1. Its a shame that a high street premise is going to go but thats business for you but now it means that there is no model stores left in Leicestershire which is a sad state of affairs

  2. Yes, I agree, but ModelZone's business plan seems to have been skewed - even if rents were very low, they were premium sites for what it a niche hobby. Our local ModelZone never had a very good selection anyway - the modelling section in the local toy shop is much better. They never stocked Vallejo for example.

    Nevertheless, I've done my bit in picking over the bones - got myself some scenics, a model kit for my nephew and some other odds and ends. Last Tuesday it was the busiest I've ever seen it (there were more customers than staff for once!).

    Looking forward to the Gen on Nottingham...

  3. Managed to pick up a few things at ours the other day, such a shame though.

  4. Our local Modelzone in Bluewater is pretty useless, all they seem to sell was eerrrr? Models, no paints apart from Humbrol enamals.

  5. We've got one in Liverpool that I'll try to get down to - but only for the paints and flock. Nothing else for me there - I don't do Airfix or trainsets.

  6. I went to the Nottingham one a few weeks ago , got a few bits n bobs.. But nothing big money to tempt me. It's a shame to see them go .. But it looks like we will be left with Internet Suplliers of this stuff only

  7. @ PanzerKaput, that is a bad state, the internet has made us all closer but nothing beats a good shop for getting your gear, not that I am saying ModelZone was a good shop though.

    @ Edwin, that is a very good point, though rents at the outlets tends to be high as well. The Vallejo in a couple of cases had a good layer of dust and plenty of them had separated so sales were not great I would guess. I keep forgetting the lead for the phone to download the pics, will grab it on walking into the office tomorrow

    @ Michael, I feel sorry for the staff but not the company, they went about staying in business the wrong way and err went out of business

    @ James, I don't think the Nottingham one will be open come November either

    @ Ray, Bluewater, they have one in Bluewater? Jeepers the rent for that alone must have been enough to drive them under

    @ Phil, They have some nice tool items, filler etc as well as the senics

    @ Dave, my local model shop moved over to air rifles and remote control cars, still has the odd item but they are slim pickings


  8. I've availed myself of the sale, and will probably do another trip this week (I'm off work!).

    It's not just Bluewater where they have a store - there's also one in the Olympic Park in Stratford

  9. Dont forget Gee Dees in Nottingham I would say they are on par with Model Zone for prices and have great stock quantities This one is Notts thou.

    1. Thanks for the heads up, I did not even know about that shop and I have been going to Nottingham for the past thirty odd years.

      Unfortunately it does not have the Vallejo paints I use the most. Still some of the Woodland Scenic's are of interest so next time I am in Nottingham I will swing by


  10. I've used Gee Dee quite a lot, though it can be a bit hard to find first time. They've always been very helpful, but I can't help feeling that with the competition going they might ease their prices up(And why not?) It is well worth a visit though

  11. I've used Gee Dee quite a lot, though it can be a bit hard to find first time. They've always been very helpful, but I can't help feeling that with the competition going they might ease their prices up(And why not?) It is well worth a visit though

  12. The main competition though is the internet and bricks and mortar just can't compete. Hopefully Gee Dee will benefit from the loss of Modelzone


  13. i went to derby modelzone once and the staff there were not interested in anything i asked for. They were spotty teens with no interest in toys at all and most of their replies consisted of a mumbling 'Dunno' (dont know) Im an adult and i like toys and would have given my back teeth for their job in dealing with toys. However, if your'e a regular visitor to toy fairs you will notice the absence of children and it seems that nowadays that there is little time for them to be a child and an imagination required to play with toys has long since been lost.
    I used to visit a toy shop every saturday with my mum and still have some of them left at the age of 51.
    Modelzone shouldve employed people of interest to run toy shops, not an oik who doesn't know what a curtiis p40 is.


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