
Monday 1 July 2013

Six Months Down, How YOU doing?

I have taken a look at my end of year (well two days before) post and what I hoped to achieve this year, so to save you looking back here are the results so far.

6mm Napoleonic's.

I wanted to expand the French, hold off building the Prussians sell the Irregular French to fund the new French. Paint up the Spanish buildings I have in hand and finalise the rules.

The idea of doing Waterloo became a concrete aim, so you would expect the French to grow but so far not by a great about, in fact with the sale of the Irregular I now have less French not more. The next six months will see them increase quite a lot.
Prussians went down to nothing as I sold off the Irregular but are growing fast with 21 Battalions of infantry, four regiments of cavalry and four guns but no command yet. These are set to explode this year.
I have painted up quite a few Spanish buildings but still have a lot to paint, but due to discovering Leven Miniatures I have trebled the number of unpainted buildings whilst also painting up more than at any other time. This trend will continue.
The rules are not finalised but they are in great shape. Back end will see them sent for external playtest.

15mm Ancients.

Finish off the Persians, get six games played with the Macedonian, paint up all the options for the Later Seleucid, and get well under way with the Principate Roman army.

I failed to get the Hoplites even bought never mind painted, but I did paint up the extra Persian cavalry.
Well I managed to play against my Macedonian army three or four times, and finally got a game using it recently.
I have failed to paint up all the options for my Seleucid army but it's close enough to be able to be played when I get a chance to take it for a spin.
The Principate Army is a total fail, still want to get this started at some point this year but no way will I be ready to play with it this year, not unless we gave up on Waterloo and that is not going to happen.

20mm Numidian Army

Sell off the army and move on.

Well I sold them and the speed the guy got his money out kind of got me to realise I sold it way too low a price but if the guy was happy and got use out of it I am happy. I am even happier if I don't have to have another go at Impetus, that is unless we got the game badly wrong.

6mm ECW.

Paint up a regiment a month and so build a fair 6mm army over the months.

Well it started well, better in fact than one a month but now it's going to go really slow. I need to spend most of my 6mm time on Project Waterloo and what time I have spare needs to be spent on Matt's Zulu's so until they are done not a lot of ECW will get painted but that's a fair bit faster than Lee at the moment. I think I will be moving onto both Lee's and my ECW once we have Waterloo looking like it's most way done, so not a lot will be going off on these over the next twelve months or so.

Playing the Game.

Get the odd game in and try a few different things, generally play and make use of the figures I paint up.

Not terrible as I have managed a far few games but not as many as I expected, though being back at work and the challenges that has provided has put a dint in my time but I am still getting time (and energy) to play so it's not all bad.

Given the last two years I am rather upbeat regards the hobby. I still at the moment am wargames neutral which remains a major aim, I look to get more time playing the games and more important at the moment I am getting plenty of hobby time in the evenings which is key to my continued recovery as it remains the number one way of relaxing without falling asleep or feeling really tired and as such keeps everything ticking over.

Now I just have to see how the next six months pans out, but I do feel rather good about it at the moment.


  1. I think you've done pretty well. It's normal for us to start multiple, huge things at once, then drop one and move onto something we never planned on.

    I've done okay considering how slow a painter I am. Had a severe painting funk and finally broke out of it. I just might finish up my main project sometime this year it seems:)

  2. doing well I too find it very relaxing to paint in the evening

  3. All in all it seems you are off to a good start on your annual goals. That's a lot of Prussians so far.

  4. No plan survives contact with the enemy mate. In our case the enemy is real life and changing priorities. The most important thing is that you enjoy your hobby. All that aside you've painted a ton of stuff...

  5. You're doing a lot better than some of us who have stalled!

  6. @ Anne, Well your not a real figure painter till you have survived a funk or possibly two!

    @ James, Not painted for 3 days now, but have been doing the far less fun prepping work, now have 4 infantry batts ready and a bunch of houses but looking forward to painting some more

    @ Mike, yes most things seem to be ticking over well,will be painting some 15mm this month as well.

    @ Millsy, I am lucky that my painting desk is always set up so I can grab some action any time

    @ Fran, hope your motivation comes back soon, I found it helped with the long days when I was off work, though I hope you and Ray are sorted soon



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