
Thursday 25 July 2013

The Santa Clause

The Secret Santa remains the main focus for a Christmas of giving and getting (if your not sure what this is look back through my post list and you may well want to jump in) but I also had another idea based on a few comments. 

We all like to receive something hobby related and the Secret Santa is set up to do just that, each person spending about £15 equivalent on a fellow blogger, last year was a blast and looks to be bigger this year. But not everyone can (or wants) to commit to such a high price with so much pull on our resources at that time of year. So how about a kind of mini SS which I will call Santa Clause.

The idea is that each person involved buys a figure or figures to the value of less than £5 and paints them up to fit in with what the target blogger wargames or collects. Best would be some kind of command for the bigger scales but maybe a unit or two of such as 6mm or a building or... you get the idea.

I am not offering this as a cheap alternative so much as a great opportunity to send and receive something that will be special BECAUSE it's a one off from a fellow blogger. Not that you have to limit yourself to something useful, feel free to paint up something that will just sit aside the painting desk or study etc and just give pleasure.

This will need a shorter deadline than the SS due to having to paint something up and of course you can join in both if you wish, I know I am, so lets here from you, if your game or possibly game please comment below. Hell, please comment even if you think the idea sucks. If I get enough interest I will open an official list to take it forward.


  1. I would love to do this sounds fun

  2. Interesting concept. What would be the timeframe involved? Would you welcome overseas participants?

  3. This option will allow me to definitely say I'm in. I do have some historical figures in the lead pile and I have other "oddities" that some one might find fun just to have. If you go this way, count me in!

  4. I'm already committed to route one, but more than happy to go this way if you want.

  5. I want in. Sounds like great fun, tell us more!

  6. I really like this idea. I have a few units in my Napoleonic armies painted by former members of my gaming group. I am reminded of these old friends when I pull those figures out for a game. I'm in.

  7. @ all great response so far, love that it's got your interest.

    @ James, welcome as shipmate #1 :-)

    @ Chris, timeline will be Sometime in September last chance to join, which should allow all to paint up in time for Christmas. Anyone on earth can join in, Cath who will randomly select our targets tends to try and group people in the same part of the world together to cut down on post cost and time needed to get it to them. So you would be most welcome

    @ Anne, glad you can join us, I think you will like this one more than the other as I know you will love to get something from another painter whilst your work is equally sought after

    @ Fran, I do hope so

    @Michael, it's up to you, you can do one or both. No one is so comited that they can't jump over at this point, indeed lots of months yet as it's early days

    @ Thomas, More will follow, we have eight so far so not a bad start. I will do a follow on post next week after doing a SS update post.

    @ Mike, that's how I will be seeing it as well. It's funny how some units also gain a very personal attachment, looking forward to pushing this idea on.


  8. I think I would like to join in.

  9. @ Chris you are most welcome to come and join in the fun. It will be the second year for the Secret Santa which everyone had a lot of fun.Well maybe Peter at Baccus may not given the number of orders he received from regular customers requesting items to be sent to other regular customers and all at the same time, it did cause him a few worries about getting the right items out to the right person :-)

    As for The Santa Clause I think it will be special and I think it will not be all SS as I think both the receiver and giver would like to know who had painted their present.



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