
Sunday 18 August 2013

Great Find In The Works

Whilst I am looking at all the new Euro Games that The Works had in stock Cath was looking at the craft section. I would not have bet on her getting the prize for best hobby find for Ian but I am pleased to say she did!

The Works have these Flocking Powder that stretch a wargamers budget at 99p for a pack of four. Two packs are available, with each pack having four small plastic tubs of very short stranded flock which is so fine the word powder is not misleading. At just under £1 a pop I stretched for a pack of each with only one tub possibly of no use being grey. The picture above makes it look like you get two pinks which is correct but one is pale and the other vivid so both can be used. But are they any good?

With all my French on campaign I thought I would try the Italians, after all they have nice uniforms so grabbing a short 2mm clump I dipped the pointy end in some PVA then  straight into the red powder knocking all the loose off then sticking it on a space on the base. Instantly I liked the effect and will experiment with them on other bases as I get the chance.

I think you have to be a bit careful as you can easily dip too deep but you can always remove the excess though it would be a bit fiddly.

Time added to the basing will be really low, cost added to the project? More or less zero. I would say it could be the biggest bargain we can get our hands on all year. 

Even better is that it's not just suitable for 6mm, I will be using it on my 15mm and may try with a few 28mm just to see how it goes. 

With the pots being so small they won't take up much space in my painting kit, I think I will go back and get a second set as spares because you never know and at that price why not?


  1. I must admit I always have a quite look in The Works craft section when I go in (I'm also a Poundland Hound as well). I haven't seen these though. Worth investigating...

  2. I've got a similar product in pink and in yellow. They are useful to me for adding the look of flowers to bushes and such.

  3. Certainly a handy find Ian, and definitely much cheaper than the ready-made flower tufts.

  4. Brilliant. I had no idea such a thing existed. Now I'll have to investigate and see if I can find it here in the States.

  5. Great find there and I am off to the Works to get me some.

  6. A wonderful find, always worth a look in the works.


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