
Thursday 26 September 2013

You Going To Derby This Weekend?

Well if you are you, your in the wrong place as the rest of us will be at Castle Donnington! I know they have used the name Derby for so very many years but please get a grip boy's and change the bloody name. Wonder if they will do so once they run out of bags  ;-)

Anyway, Lee James and myself are off for a day of fun on Saturday and I already know a few guys I want to catch up with will be there. I don't have a massive shopping list so it's mostly going to be a social event. That said I will be on the look out for some things including my Santa Clause items for the blogger I have had picked for me paint for. So apart from they secret items what else am I looking to buy?

I need to pick up some of the new Baccus Napoleonic French Figures, these being the newly sculptured cavalry and artillery. To be more exact that's Dragoons, Hussars, Cuirassiers and Chasseurs for the cavalry and 4, 6, 8 12pdr and howitzers in artillery with crews in shako. The Bicorne crews look yet to be done but I will know for sure in a few days. So I plan to paint up these as soon as I can. Lee saw them pre-release and was very forward in his praise for them. I think in fact that was why he gave me his old unpainted cavalry as he plans to have only the new figures in HIS army. I plan to paint up most of the old ones as allied cavalry. Having seen them on the Baccus website I can see why Lee is really hot on these and I am sure they look even better in the flesh.

I also will pick up another French Infantry Booster with plans to get the twenty odd Battalions of French Infantry I would then have unpainted all done. I may add a few other bits to the mix and will pick up just a few bits from Adler to finish off the Prussians needed for Waterloo. Though I may just may also start the Spanish from Baccus but that's not likely as I just won't have the space on the desk to get them started for quite a while yet.

I will though pick up some Essex Roman Command figures so I can START painting up the figures I received well over a year now. I still have to pick out exactly what figures I will buy though, some homework needs doing and it's late as usual.

I did want to get some Russian WWII planes for Check Your Six so if I see a fool proof set I hope to get those but won't hold my breath.

The boring stuff like a few paints and maybe tufts are a given. I may even get some Fantasy figures if I see some I like as I now have a group of 4-5 players that want to get going, mostly rookies which is interesting to say the least.

Thinking about it, that is a fairly large list, oh well lucky Christmas is coming.

Secret Santa list closes on Monday so I would recommend that if your interested in joining in then let me know in this post or a Secret Santa post if you have not already done so. I will try and post a list of names signed up before or on Monday so you still have a bit of time.

In case you are not aware, here is the details.
Each person signed up is given details of another participant, you spend about £15 on that person in figures, terrain etc. that may be based on a list they have on their blog or just what you fancy from looking at their blog.

You of course will also receive something done the same for you. The idea being is that you will get something you would want on Christmas Day and what's more it will be a surprise. 

Last year was a massive success with everyone getting excellent presents and it was a great part of my Christmas checking out what each person got. Cath ran it last year and had so much fun she demanded to be allowed to do it again this year. So if your sitting on the fence, don't come and jump into our garden.


  1. Will be going on the Sunday looking forward to a great day out.
    Peace James

  2. I'm losing the plot, I did join the Secret Santa didn't I???

  3. I do hope you are looking for a gal as well as the guys, otherwise you'll miss me!

    Hopefully we'll bump into each other and can have a chat about the 54mm figure. I'll probably be in the tournament area most of the time (unless I get wiped out even quicker than expected in my games) so it may be best to look for me in there - I'm in the FoG:AM tournament.

  4. I shall be there Saturday AM (car permitting seeing as it sabotaged my last Partizan trip!) with a shopping list hopefully not as extensive as yours or I'll be in trouble when I get home!

  5. @ James, oh I can't make Sunday (wife's Birthday)

    @ Ray, You joined the Secret Santa but not the Santa Clause

    @ Tamsin, you stood me up for an officer last year if I remember right (Major Cold), will be looking out for you and look forward to some 54mm chatter

    @ Andy, Looking forward to meeting up again


    1. I did stand you up last year, but (for once) it wasn't that dashing Major Cold, but that dashing (to the loo) revolutionary Trots(ky) ;)

  6. Going Sunday. First time in centuries cos the old venue was a bugger for parking and I always had to take my wife who spent valuable lead money shopping.

    This could well be the least relevant reply you get . . . .

  7. Have fun, girl and boys! And I hope to see a lot of pictures on Blogger!


  8. @ Gary, pooh I can't make Saturday. It was the wife's 40th Birthday Thursday and even though I took the day off work and we had a great time I still want to spend one of the days over the weekend with her and the kids to complete the fun.

    @ Peter, I am afraid you wan't get that from me, I just can't be bothered which is strange as I love to read the reports



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