
Sunday 6 October 2013

2nd Landwehr Neumark Done and Dusted

As mentioned before September was not the best month for painting but I did get these guys done apart from their flags which I did last night. The Hussars have not been finished, these will be done sometime in this month. 

1st Battalion
So here we have the 1st Battalion 2nd Infantry Landwehr Neumark. This is the first figures painted for the IV Corp and after the revised list has been sorted I won't have as many Prussians to paint as first thought. This will lead to a couple of breaks in painting the Prussians. I have also ordered 12 Battalions of Landwehr from Baccus along with the skirmishers. I quite simply do not want to spend as much time on clean up, prep and painting as I have done to this point. I still will paint up the rest of the Adler but with all the other figures I have at present and coming soon I just need to be able to get on with it.

1st Battalion
Don't get me wrong, I really like the Adler and I don't plan on rushing through the Baccus doing a second rate job. I just know I can get the Baccus done quicker and still get a good looking base out. What it does mean though is that I am already stocking up figures for Ligny and other large scale battles in the future.

2nd Battalion
The second battalion has different shoulder tabs than the 1st as does the 3rd, it was good to add such little detail even if they may be the wrong shade ;-) The three battalions all have Baccus skirmishers and whilst they are a bit more chunky work with the Adler fine. Good job as Adler are yet to release skirmish figures for the Prussians.

2nd Battalion
I added more flocking powder again also adding it to the bushes trying to make a bit of lavender. All three  battalions are in column as that was the quicker way of getting them all based up. 

3rd Battalion
Future months will see three Prussian and three French Battalions getting painted up a month where possible, I may start getting a little blue weary after a few more months but lets see. 

3rd Battalion
October will not be without 6mm painting as I have three French Battalions started, also the guns and crews of the new Baccus not to mention the four new French cavalry that are still waiting for some paint to be added. This should be started today as I have cleared the desk of other miniatures, but in a good way.

All three Battalions
My Prussian force has come along rather well and it's nice to see it grow and now I am ahead of schedule in all area's which is great. It's also another way of saying I have also painted up a couple of limbers but that's for a future post.

I have just the finishing touches to do on eight 28mm miniatures for my Fantasy campaign and then will concentrate on the 6mm for the rest of this week I think.


  1. Excellent job, small as they are, they do look mighty impressive when seen together - I guess that is part of the appeal.

  2. Being ahead of schedule is never a bad thing. That's another 3 great looking Prussian battalions under your belt. The flocking powders definitely add a nice touch to the bases.

  3. Brilliant, I should definitely not be looking at your 6mm posts! I can see myself buying a load of Baccus myself. The look of the battalions on a base is exellent.

    What rules do you use?

  4. Great painting Ian, I do like the mass effect with the skirmishers out the front, excellent basing too!

  5. Good looking units Ian. As Ray says, you achieved a great mass effect.

  6. looking good.. its all about the numbers...

  7. @ Michael, That is right, when we finally get Waterloo under way you will see a great part of the attraction. But I will also list the cost (in £££ and time) I bet it would not be so different to a larger scale

    @ Tamsin, thanks and yes it feels good to be in front, especially as I want to spend time on a few other projects this month

    @ Phil, thanks

    @ Paulalba, I should stay away from your 28's for the same reason. Though I have enough projects incoming without EVEN thinking about something else.

    We had never found any rules we like so we have written our own. Soon be ready to give away if you want a set, looking to have them as a free PDF to download off the blog

    @ Ray, The look was taken from Polemos though I have just the one Battalion to a base. The basing, well that was Lee, he is a good teacher

    @ James, you really get the mass effect when you get them on the table. Looking forward to testing the new boards we have done for waterloo

    @ Dave, thanks' yes lots of numbers. I must have been mad to agree to do all the Prussians whilst also trying to do the French as well. At least Lee has the guard covered. The rest, well we are racing each other


  8. Ian I'll take that as a compliment as mine are 18mm ;-)


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