
Monday 30 December 2013

Baccus New French Hussar's Reviewed

This is a re-post having now painted up the figures all correctly, the post remains the same (mostly) but with all new pictures so enjoy. These were my third entry into the 4th Analogue Painting Challenge.

I have to admit that when Peter said the Hussars were his favourite of the new cavalry I was surprised. They looked OK but the best? I was not sure. Obviously I have yet to paint up all four of the new cavalry so before I can really comment. But after painting up these Hussars I can see why Peter likes them so much. The detail is crisp and they even have moustaches!

These are obviously painted up for Waterloo and are the 1st Hussars from the 4th Cavalry Division, 1st Brigade. These are a nice bright blue so should stand out on the field.

Being lights it's good to see so much movement in the figures, the horses are running though the riders are upright, I think if the riders were a little bent forward it would have made them look that bit better but then it would have been a pain to paint. And yes I am being picky, but that's me.

Paint wise it was an easy job and nice and fast. This is the thing that Baccus seem to do so well, the detail is good and he clean up is minor so the vast amount of the time your on this is painting the figures. So time wise it was a quick paint and very effect. I can say for sure this is a major upgrade for Baccus.

If a picture paints a thousand words then maybe I should shut up. Here you can see the lace on the Pelisse and the straps on the Sabretaches.  

So wrapping up, the new Hussars have certainly been worth waiting for. Would I replace all my old units? No but I can see why Lee gave me his old figures and I have to admit these will now see service as allied cavalry rather than in my French army just like the old Infantry. So do I think the Hussars will be the best? I hope not (I would love the others to beat these out) but it's fair to say they have set a high bar.


  1. The horses look good. Are they updated as well?


  2. Lovely work Ian! It's nice to see Baccus bringing out its A game. I usually always go for Adler in this scale but I'll have to check out some of these in the future.

  3. @ FMB, The horses have changed from stationary to moving, also they are larger and as such are a major upgrade in my mind

    @ Curt, I think the Adler still look the nicer figure but Baccus win from a all round view. They will stand up to campaign well, paint up quick and finally look right. Before I have preferred the Adler Cavalry as an all round choice. Now I am regretting a little the unpainted Adler French I have as I would have gone for the Baccus now

    @ Michael, I think the sculpting is just right, enough detail to go to town on but not so that you HAVE to paint it


  4. Replies
    1. Thanks Vinnie, I have just about finished the Dragoons


  5. You have microscopic eyes, that's impossible work

    1. Good light is the secret, I use a two tube daylight strip and it works better than a magnifying glass. It also helps that these are good clean castings



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