
Friday 11 October 2013

Building of the Week? How About A Review?

OK I wanted to talk about Leven Miniatures and I have not yet got anything done with the buildings on my table so I thought I could get a bit more out of it by combining the two ideas.

A box of resin, this was after getting the foam peanuts out.

I am sure anyone who has read the notice on Mikes blog has immediately thought NO!!!!!!!!!!!! You would not be on your own, it was my first reaction quickly followed by concern for Mike as I knew he has great plans for range extensions so was sure it would not be something good.

Turns out that the issue is not so fast as to stop Mike in his tracks and after a week or so thought he has already sorted out some of the issues ready for when things do have to change. That said it won't actually make as much difference as first thought as he still will have production facilities but it may I think put a short term spanner in the works for his plans on doing shows. This is bad news for those wanting to get to look at the buildings in the flesh but a relief for postal purchases. 

I placed my order and got a reply the same day telling me that he would have to cast up a few of my bit's, hardly surprising given the number of walls I had ordered and once done I would get the invoice. Sure enough I got an invoice the following day and a few days after that I had my products. Total time was about four or five days from ordering to door and that included a Sunday!

Now I have a good relationship with Mike so maybe, just maybe I got a little extra treatment from him but you know what? I don't think it's the way Mike rolls, I think I just got the Leven service and as such any one who has been put off my the announcement on his site should think again and get that order in. The problem if you like (I like to think of it as refreshing) is that Mike can be rather too honest, he downplays the quality of his goods and over plays the disruption of his business though I am glad to see that he has downgraded the original message that had spawned a number of self help groups (that was a joke for those who need telling, LOL)

So back to the Building of the week thingy 
These are the items won in my Leven Giveaway recently, now all I have to do is get them painted and sent on. I think they will be for some 6mm ACW gaming and I will get them washed and started over the weekend.

All these are for me, mine all mine. These are to be added to my tiny town and will be going on a couple of my larger tiles to represent the slum part of town, don't expect much in the way of grass  ;-)

Remember how I washed a set of steps for my post mill away? Mike offered to send me a replacement straight away. I replied that I could wait and to send it with my next order. Well I forgot to ask when I placed the order but Mike did not when it came to packing it. What can I say, excellent customer service.

Whilst I was ordering something for me Lee wanted to add a bit to the order. Ended up being EIGHT sets of walls, I am thinking these may well be for the Quatre Bras game and/or Waterloo and even if it's enough?

So rather a lot of resin is hanging around my house right now. I am guessing I had better get started


  1. Very nice buildings. I may have to get some for my projects.

    1. I would, they are really well priced, though they are smaller that both Timecast and Total Battle Miniatures they have as much and sometimes more detail. They go better with Timecast as TBM may be a little over scaled


  2. These buildings are gorgeous. 1 question: how high are the walls?


    1. Just paused in painting my wife's Dwarf (how often can you say that?) so I can answer your question, the tallest part is about 7.5mm, they have dips in them so not all uniform height. Look something like you may see in the countryside rather than a new development


  3. I'll say it again wish he made 15mm buildings!!!!! they're excellent!

  4. It's not just people he knos who get good service, Have placed two orders so far and both have arrived within a day and a half. Last one, monday night, Mike had packaged up within 2 hours of me sending him the email order. and it wa here waiting for me Wednesday. The quality and subjects are pretty good as well.

  5. Good sounding company and models, I wish all companies were like that!

  6. Great building there and what a great service for them too

  7. @ Ray, don't recall you saying that ;-)

    @ Andy, That's good to hear and I thought that may be the case. He certainly makes interesting buildings as well as the ordinary which makes the whole package so good

    @ Fran, I think a lot of wargame companies are but it's hard for the small guys to be so when they have regular jobs too. That's what makes Leven so special

    @ Panzer, Looking forward to painting them


    1. Definitely agree on the interesting building. Just planning how to paint one of the lighthouses, after I finish the Odeon cinema. Both of which have made life interesting in the hunt for colour schemes.There was discussion on TMP and some guy in response to a msg I put up, jokinglu said don't say how good they are in case he raises his prices. Frankly if Mike wants to raise the price and make a bit more profit or put it into producing more buildings I am all for it. I really like the statue bases and fountains as I wasn't looking forward to scratch building them.

    2. Those statue bases are rather fine. I will be adding one of the fountains into the middle of my town sometime soon'ish and already have one on my Spanish villa.

      I agree Mike's prices are really keen so it would not be the end of the world if he had to increase them. Even at his prices I have spent a massive amount on them.


  8. Wow, those are my tents and barns! I am so excited to see them in person when they are done. And yes, they are for ACW, a slow-moving 6mm skirmish project, in fact.

    1. Hi Thomas

      well I hope to get them done if not before the weekend then over the weekend, so not long to wait now



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