
Friday 18 October 2013

Round Up Time

A little light reading? Not according to my back! 37 Bernard Cornwell books (I also have two others) I never knew he wrote so many.These would be enough for anyone but I also have six books that looked interesting.

I don't know anything about Chris Kuzneski but they look to have some kind of historical connection so I am hoping they will be of interest. Given that I usually manage 4+ history books to every book of fiction this could keep me going for a long long time. Why did I get that Kindle?

It must be a month or more since I cleaned up my painting desk and it was queried what it would look like after a month. Well it looks quite messy but most of the things on it right now are at least being worked on if not today then at some point in the last few weeks. Seems like I have been doing a bit of this and a bit of that and as such not got a great deal finished. Well hopefully that will mean quite a few bits will all come to conclusion over the next few days/weeks.


  1. That Austerlitz book in particular is pretty damn good - probably THE book on the battle. You want to get hold of Duffy's 'Austerlitz 1805' (ISBN 0304352799) too, preferably before the Goetz as it's less heavy on detail (though still good) and gives a very good view of the campaign and the battle with some interesting biographical comments.

  2. I may well have to get that as well but not sure when that will be, after all I do have a few books to read


    1. Huh! Just noticed I replied to the wrong post! Still, if it's any consolation, I'm now re-reading Goetz and yesterday ordered a two volume history on the Franco-Prussian War. I can now add this to the round about 60 odd books in the reading pile. They'll probably end up as grave goods!


  3. 37 books of this writer! Then I hope they will translate them all in Dutch! Nice collection BTW!


    1. I am not sure I will read them all as a few are modern thrillers, may have the wife check these out first



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