
Thursday 3 October 2013

Time to draw the Secret Santa's, who will be your target?

OK it's finally time again for all Secret Santa's to be put in a red furry hat and drawn out so that all of us who are taking part have a target for this years festive fun.

I have listed all the people I think are taking part this year. If you thought you was in and your name is missing then drop me an e-mail. It's not quite too late to join in, just send me an e-mail letting me know.

Please note that even if your in the Santa Clause painting gift and are also in the Secret Santa you will still need to contact me with the details needed so that Cath can just look in the one place rather than cross checking both of the Santa's

So can you send me an e-mail with your name, address and blog name (if you have one). I will pass these details onto Cath and at the same time give you Cath's e-mail address for any future correspondence, don't forget I am playing too  :-)

You can get me at          ian_willey      @ hotmail   dot     com

Please can you do so as soon as possible. I will start to contact via blogs over the weekend as well in case this post is missed. Now on to those who are on my list

Andy McMaster
Conrad Kinch
James Brewerton
Michael Awdrey
Thomas Nissvick

OK that's it for tonight


  1. It's the most wonderful time of the year.....

  2. It will be fun to see who got what and from who :)

  3. @ Ray, glad you joined in, just hope you don't get Fran!!!!

    @ Michael, to be fair it's Cath who is doing the work

    @ Dartfrog, your not wrong, kind of Christmas has started now ;-)

    @ James you wait till we start getting our targets sent to us :-)

    @ Anne, from who tends to be unknown but yes come Christmas when we all start posting about what we got and also the Santa Clause with the painted presents, lots of fun

    @ Paul, Secret Santa is the one where you spend £15 or so on a gift for another blogger whilst you get another from someone else. The Santa Clause was the spend £5 on figures etc for someone and paint them up for them. If you want in for any of these let me know and I can still add you as I have one person spare on Santa Clause and can still add extra's for Secret Santa right up to the draw


  4. You should have my details already

    1. Hi Dave

      I have. I have contacted the few who I need confirmations from. It's possible Cath will be contacting us with our targets real soon if all get back to me quickly



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