
Sunday 17 November 2013

First of the Many, Adler Prussians from Blog-Con

Lee and myself have been busy basing up our gains from Blog-Con. Whilst Lee has gone all at getting them based I have been focused on finishing. So Lee has almost all his painted figures based but waiting further developments I in turn have based and textured varnished and flagged twelve battalions of Prussians. This allows them to be added to my force and packed in boxes ready to play. Not only does this protect them but actually gets them out of the way as room is at a premium and with the expected influx of figures this month I need to clear space.

All Regiments are from the IVth Corp so I have effectively started all three Corp that saw action at Waterloo itself. Here we have the 15th Reserve Regiment wit it's three Battalions all in column. I have done this on all the bought battalions so far. I want these to be done nice and quick though I am rather pleased with how they have come out. 

The figures arrived glossed and I think this was done with the brush on type and air bubbles and pooling had caused them to look a little ropey. However once based and matted down they look much better. 

A close up of Reserve Regiment 18, unfortunately the shot of the whole regiment was blurred. It was great to be able to put together so many battalions giving my Prussians a significant boost.

I have two regiments of Landwehr, here is the 3rd Silesian Landwehr with a distinctive pair of Colours.  In actual fact I just had five battalions so one spare Reserve battalion has been pressed into service for the time being.

I really could have done with more Landwehr than line as I need far more of these guys for the Waterloo game. Still they will come in very useful as we are bound to fit in many a game that requires yet more Prussians. This is a good job given the number of Prussian units I have unpainted.

More Silesian Landwehr, this time the 4th Regiment but this time none Baccus flags for a change. I still have a number of Baccus flags but most are for Grenadiers and from here on in the sheets will be much lower value for me as I don't want to repeat the known regiments colours for other units. It would be great if Baccus could supply just a mix of generic flags that would suit Reserve and Landwehr.

So what's next? Under prep at the moment is six battalions of French and three of Prussian, all Baccus. Added to this is four ensigns for the last six Line Battalions I have waiting to be finished and enough skirmishes for six Adler Battalions of French that need the skirmish lines adding. This will see the last of the usable Adler painted ready for action. When I say usable I mean for our Waterloo game. I still have the Brunswick's (Lee already has these), the Bicorn French and the Polish infantry to base up and will fit these in at some point.

All 12 Battalions finished.
I have all the Prussian cavalry to base up which will be done between painting over the next 3-4 weeks as well as the guns and limbers, then it's baton down the hatches as I go for it with the main body of the French and the Landwehr infantry. Project Waterloo is well on track whilst Project Quatre Bras is almost complete for the French.


  1. Your paintjob at this scale is really amazing! Beautiful...

  2. Looking good, nice to see big numbers

  3. Great painted minis Ian! And fast painted and based! I'm still working on the first one! I hope to have him finished later on this week!


  4. @ Phil, Sorry my not being clear. These are the figures I picked up painted at Blog-Con

    @ Dave, I will have to do a review of all my Prussians soon, just need some good weather

    @ Tamsin, well I can only claim the groundwork

    @ Peter, I will be starting the next ones this week. I will concentrate on the four standard bearers and the French Skirmishers


  5. My word you don't hang around Ian, they really hold together now all uniformly based.

  6. Cracking stuff Ian. I can't believe the detail on your 6mm stuff, whether purchased or painted.

  7. These look great Ian, it just shows how much impact uniform basing can have.

  8. @ Michael, well Lee has based more but only I have put any figures in the finished box ;-) I have five Landwehr cavalry regiments based waiting for other items to be brought to that stage then you will get more pics

    @ Michael, thank's I have to say I was far more satisfied once the matt varnish was on them and I was quite happy already. Now they look very close to my own work so fit in a treat

    @ Peter, I switched from my old style to this when I started the Prussians so they are all like this. Unfortunately the French are not and one day I will have to do the conversion on about 60-80 units !!!!!!



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