
Tuesday 24 December 2013

Aes Sedai or Lady In Waiting

This figure is a Dark Sword Miniatures offering and they really are very nicely sculptured and detailed miniatures. I think this one is from the Game of Thrown range and is a Lady in Waiting but I am using her as a Aes Sedai or female magic user. 

As you can see from the picture above, lots of detail, just look at how the cloak gathers in her right hand. All the detail is great and looks correct rather than going against the flow.

I decided to take a punt at fairly bright colours. this gal won't settle into the background, no way. I have yet to paint a warder for her, possibly will have to hunt out a figure for that though. The campaign is now starting to really take shape and events will start to fall into place as the players gather information.

Of course she is entered into one of the fortnightly challengers, the civilian one and I have been very pleasantly surprised with how well she has done in the voting, especially as some of the competition has been truly excellent

I have my round two challenge all painted up, again another single figure but I have rather larger projects for two of the later rounds.


  1. Just one word , Fantastic paint on this Ian , great work !
    Merry Christmas .

  2. Lovely figure Ian. With the main colour of her dress, I guess she is of the Red Ajah - beware of her if you are a male magic user! :)

  3. She is a superb piece of work Ian.

  4. Very nicely done. I like the red and then the purple together.

  5. Nice one Ian and from a great set of books for the most part!

  6. She's really beautiful, very nice work!

  7. That is a lovely figure and the detailing on it is totally amazing and your painting skills have brought the best out in her too

  8. Wow! Marvelous job. You turned a gaming piece into a work of art.

  9. @ Andrew, thanks, I really enjoyed painting her and added a few stages to the process as I tend to with Fantasy

    @ Captain LOL, Thank you, it was a real pleasure to paint and that always helps

    @ Tamsin, actually I have her as a Blue, though I did toy with Red. I called her Isabella so she is not from the books

    @ Dave, cheers.

    @ Happy, I was fearful they would clash and have to be repainted but I really liked the combination

    @ Fran, Thanks, I am on book 12 with 13 in the wings, over long in parts but it's a journey

    @ Phil, I think the sculpting really is nice, a great face and boobs that are not offensively big ;-)

    @ Roger, Thanks a lot

    @ Pete, I think the figure makes painting her easy and that helped a lot. I have a bunch more that I am really looking forward to painting

    @ Jonathan, Thanks a lot, that was a very nice comment :-)



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