
Saturday 21 December 2013

Building of the Week Bavarian Church

I bought this Church simply as I liked the look of it and whilst it's not really got that much of a Belgium Church it's going to be used on both the Bras and Waterloo boards unless something else takes our fancy. It's real role in life is that of a Bavarian Church from the Leven Miniatures range. CHU05 predictably costs £2.50 and can be found on the Church page. This is the fourth Church from Leven that I have painted up so far and I think it's my favourite as it's the most colourful.

I went for a grey stone finish again to fit in with the town I am building but went with a red tile roof as seems popular in Belgium. Bavaria seems to favour white finished church's with various coloured roofs but I would not have issues adding this building to my town for German states use. 

I have gone for stained glass windows effect via random dashes of paint. Went for a dull finish as stained glass from the outside looks very dull and sometimes the image is difficult to make out. Good job really or I would be done for. The tower windows I worked on the idea they would be unglazed so left out the reflections (i.e. left dark grey).

I think the buildings great except the one point. That of the door, it's plain with no detail. The problem with that is it more looks a recessed entry with no actual door there. It's easy enough to rectify, a little filler would add texture or a few runs with the scalpel but I have been spoilt with the overall detail Mike adds to his models left me a little disappointed. Not to the extent that it spoilt the model, it's much too nice for that.

Texture, texture, texture. I can't say it enough. It's what makes Leven so good in my mind. It's raised enough so that it can be picked out with the brush but soft enough that it does not wear on the brush. This whole model took less than two hours to paint allowing the painter to knock out these buildings at a good rate so it's rather lucky the price is low or else I would be skint!

Long term this will be based but that may not be that far in the future. Lee has finished the boards for Quatre Bras so at some point in the next week or so I will be taking some of the buildings over to see if they look better on bases or loose. If on bases then I can continue to fork on the town whilst also adding to our display games commitment.

I'm expecting some more Leven buildings any time with the request to paint them up as soon as I can as they are yet to be released buildings. That my friends is rather exciting.


  1. How are you finding time to paint aside from the Challenge? You are a glutton for punishment!

  2. Nice, Leven really do produce a great range.

  3. This church is really nice!

  4. @ Anne, well I want to keep up the building a week project as I have plenty in stock to keep me busy. Plus they are quick to paint and you get a fix nice and fast

    @ Smillie, They do indeed, in fact they now have over 200 buildings with plenty more either finished or part designed to come out and Mike is working on yet more

    @ Phil, Thanks, it's growing on me more and more



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