
Saturday 14 December 2013

Building of the Week - More Medieval Buildings

I have a bunch more of the Medieval House A and B from Leven Miniatures each costing £2.50 so I painted these two up whilst I was working on the Farm House and Barn for last weeks post. I still have four of these under-coated waiting their turn as well as three of the larger houses all of which will take a turn at being part of the Quatre Bras and Waterloo games then at last they will be added to my growing town project by permanently being glued to the bases. They will still be used for the town but instead of fixing them I will just paint the bases round them.

Same method as before but I used different colours to last time as I really want a ramshackle group of buildings as they will eventually form the cramped inner town/city of older buildings.

The summer sun is bleaching them a little but it was really cold so did not want to hang around too much trying to get it right as the wind was a touch bitter  ;-)

Here they are along with the original two. These are based on the 60x60mm bases though the new ones will be on a larger base with more buildings so as to make a centre piece with other bits and bobs on it.

With the Challenge starting tomorrow you would expect me to be backing off the buildings but I still intend to do some work each week though I have had a side project turn up that is a little different but you will have to wait till next week for more information on that.

I still have a load of prep work to do for the Challenge as I have the Last Stand themed challenge to prime after spending the morning cleaning them and converting some of the figures, more Roman's waiting cleaning and Matt game me a box of Gripping Beast plastic Viking Hirdmen that I might try and get pressed into the Challenge but first I need to get those Romans sorted. Not that I have decided what will be the first submission yet! I guess I had get myself in order.


  1. These are great Ian and best of luck with the challenge.

  2. Excellent buildings!
    Good luck in the challenge!


  3. Great looking buildings, good luck!

  4. @ Andrew, thanks but mostly good fun is what I am looking for.

    @ Michael, thank's I am looking forward to basing them but until then they will be used as is for the two Nap games we are planning

    @ Peter, Cheers, I should make my point total but I will probably loose two weeks during the challenge when I do the Casualty Round ;-)

    @ Happy, why thank you twinkle toes

    @ Phil, Cheers, they look a bit run down to me though ;-)



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