
Tuesday 7 January 2014

Bakers Dozen, Or a Bloody Lot of French Infantry!

This is the first time I have painted up so many 6mm Infantry in the one go, it's also hopefully the last! It was such a simple chain of events that lead to this situation. Firstly I had not painted up any Napoleonic infantry for a few weeks and I was a bit behind and wanting to get ahead. Well six battalions did not really look like much so I grabbed nine. OK rather a reasonable amount and three months target in one go, but that just left another three in this box, may as well do them as well. Oh this one's not Prussian, lets do that as well. See anyone could have fallen for it, but alas it was not anyone (else) it was ME!

That in case your wondering is 364 infantry figures which I added four command figures to as obviously I did not have enough to do. The guys on Shakers are all Baccus new castings whilst the command is Adler as Baccus do not do infantry mounted command at least not yet. 

My usual basing system was used and seeing as I have a fair few tufts added these a little more than when I was starting to dry up. I averaged about one line for every three or four columns, well they are French after all, not that our rules deal with the difference between column and line only paying attention to squares.

It was a bit of a slog but also the most time effective way of painting so many figures at once.The most negative point is that it dulls the mind and my quality did drop off needing me to refocus. Also there was no quick stints at the table, one to three hour segments had to be booked but on the plus I have bitten deep into my requirements for Waterloo. I now need just nineteen more French Battalions of Line and two of Light and I have all the French I am to supply for the big game in 2015. This means infantry wise I am really ahead of the game and can relax into painting the last battalions.

Each Battalion has the usual four Voltigeurs out front as is usual on my bases, well you have to fill the whole 60x60mm base don't you? All at the moment carry the eagle but when the time comes I will snip off the extra's for the second etc. battalions. 

I love this shot, really shows off the new Baccus infantry really well. The flag is also Baccus and boy does it benefit from painting the edges of the flag to finish off the deal. I can't understand how some painters can through in serious time on the figures and basing then leave the flag edges looking horrid.

As far as guilty pleasures go, mine is the straps on the backpacks, I just love to paint them as just two years ago it was one stage to far for me and now I would never dream of leaving them out. What's the change? Good quality small bristle brushes. In my case Rosemary & Co Series 33 10/0, turns a chore into a joy.

I am not saying this is the last of the Napoleonic 6mm that I will do during the challenge, though it might be the last of the French though that's in doubt as I still have six more battalions prepped. I also have a number of Prussian Landwehr that need my attention as well as a few battalions of already painted figures that need just a few figures adding to make up yet more finished battalions. On top of that I have some of the new  Baccus French Command figures I have made a start at and will fit in soon.

Before most of these though I will get the Zulu's I have on my list to paint finished, that's a lot more 6mm!!! But before that I am working on 28's with a few 15's probably thrown in for good measure.


  1. That was a worthy entry Ian and jolly good working painting these :)

  2. Quite an impressive lot to tackle. I especially like your basing with skirmishers deployed out front of the parent battalion.

  3. i do like this - great to see en masse

  4. Oh good gracious me, what a fabulous sight!

  5. Painting that lot together in one go??? Are you Mad!!! Well I've met you, so I already now the answer to that question!! Great stuff Ian!

  6. Well done, every time I see these I think about rebasing my own collection.

  7. @ Tamsin, Thanks though I was starting to feel ground down by them

    @ Jonathan, I do like this look and I took it directly off the Baccus images in their rules

    @ Andrew, Cheers, not that your a stranger to massed figure entry yourself

    @ Dave, I want to get them all out for a review sometime, that would be a bit jaw dropping for me

    @ Michael, and now locked away in a box. I have sooo many units yet to take the table, one day though.....

    @ Ray, well if I was not before I started.....

    @ Roger, Thank's though I am enjoying larger work at he moment

    @ Peter, Thanks, the mass effect did come across as I worked on them

    @ Dartfrog, I have quite a few I based up before switching to this style, I just can't face doing them though, not yet awhile anyway


  8. Fantastic painted army Ian! Wow!


    1. Thanks, though it's not the army and not even a Corp, I have a total of 70 odd battalions to supply our game with (of the 120+ French) and 40+ Prussian. That is before you include the cavalry, artillery and command


  9. That's a great looking army, love the basement too!

    1. Thanks, the basing I am most pleased with and was new for 2013 so it's still a bit novel to me



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