
Saturday 11 January 2014

Building of the Week - Ardennes Farm House

OOOOP's nearly dropped the ball just two weeks into the new year. Well I did have a building prepared but it has a lot of base work so that one will have to feature next week. So instead I have another new to me building, Leven Miniatures FAR13 Ardennes Farm House at £2.50 

It's a fairly standard building and I have dressed it for Napoleonic's so not the brightest looking building though if you follow the link above you will see another rendition of it and it's glorious in it's colour. I will have to take note and do a few brighter buildings :-)

It's a basic paint job followed by a few layers of drybrushing and topped off with a Nuln Oil wash to further dull the poor building down and further define the stonework and other detail. 

I will be basing this building as I will with all my buildings after a chat with Lee last night. We played about with a load of my painted buildings on the Quatre Bras board and they worked both ways, though based seemed to hold better than loose so that's the way forward by the looks.

This will mean a few sessions adding buildings to some 60x60 tiles as well as at least one large tile for the built up section for my town which I am happy to say can continue to grow again post the conversation yesterday.


  1. Nice looking building Ian, but I do hope this isn't distracting you too much from the race to 1000 points :)

    1. These don't take too long so not too bad. I should have 60+ points to send in my end of Monday if not before and more to follow so 1000 is no problem. Catching you, er, different story LOL


  2. That is looking good mate and I am looking forward to see more of the building of the week

    1. I am looking forward to this next weeks as I should have a couple of new for me ones which is always a lot of fun


  3. A very useful building Ian! Very nice work!

    1. It is indeed, from Naps through to WWII and beyond.


  4. Another great looking building.

    1. Thanks, a nice and quick paint so that helps a lot


  5. Replies
    1. Cheers, glad I managed to get one finished as I want to get something done each week at least


  6. I keep hearing this, you never know what Leven my do in the future though.


  7. I know I've said this before but I'd still like to see a little zombie come out of one of those buildings.


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