
Sunday 19 January 2014

Kids Go Western AAR

The kids finally got time to get down and dirty with the cowboys and they were really happy to have a go. My daughter picked the bad guys for her team and my son was happy to be the good guys, after all the good guys always win.....right?

The rules are Dave D's Blazing Dice available as a free download from his great A Town Names Serenity blog

Anyway after several turns of running from one side of the street to the other, rather than closing with each other, they finally decided to try going down main street.

One of the bad guys was killed with a shot to the chest whilst the Sheriff took a flesh wound to the arm, things look bad for the bad guys as they face five townsmen.

Two bad guys take shelter in a building, one with a rifle takes up position in the window, will it be enough. At this point both kids were having a wonderful time, and were doing their own measuring and remembering how many dice, well most of the time.

With all his men in the street my son decided he wanted to protect the wounded guy and moved him into a building. Unfortunately he did not move him to a window so it was just like he had lost a man.

A turn later and both had another one down with serious wounds, would they be able to get back up and into the game?

Well it was so much fun watching the kids have so much fun I forgot to take more shots. The bad guys lost the gunfight in the house on the right, though the winner was lightly wounded. Things turned in the favour of the bad guys when the guy with the shotgun opened up. Even though the severity of the hit drops one my girl seemed to know when to roll a six. Add to that she seemed only able to hit the chest and soon lots of good guys were hitting the deck. In the end the two guys in the building got away leaving only one townsman on his feet. It was past bed time but they went to bed happy and demanding more. My mission is done  ;-)


  1. They are a great set of rules and great that the kids are getting involved too!

    1. I found the rules quick to get into and perfect for the occasion. The kids are wanting to play again as soon as possible and I think that will be Friday before bed, then they have time to get a game of Quest in over the weekend LOL


  2. Great stuff... Glad you all enjoyed it..

    1. We have indeed and Lee looks to be interested in giving it a go. Looking forward to the reinforcments


  3. Replies
    1. It is indeed, if it's good enough fun for them then it might survive puberty and how cool would it be to have them as young adults still wanting to sit round a table with Mum and Dad?


  4. They are a great set of rules and a great game was had it seems too

    1. They are indeed, just the right amount of rules and loads of fun. The kids just love the whole thing


  5. It is indeed, though the kids have been playing Euro's for over a year now and are building good skills.

    Look forward to hearing about your's getting into it as well



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