
Saturday 22 February 2014

Building of the Week Medieval Post Mill

I have been working on this for a few weeks now off and on, more off than on for sure. I have gone a little over the top on this one as I wanted to build into the base a bit more of a hill which is now in place but it's not that high, oh well.

Another Leven Miniatures model again, this time from the Medieval Range MED01 that surprise surprise has a cost of £2.50 and comes in three logical pieces. The body of the mill, the sails and lastly the steps which I had managed to wash down the sink when cleaning the mould release off the bits, but Mike sent a replacement without charge.

I based the mill on a few of the Warbases squares starting with a 30x30mm and running to 120mm x 120mm with the corners rounded off.

The mill as per normal painted up with ease though the roof of the round stone lower level was a bit more difficult but nothing that could not be dealt with. Overall the base works though it's going to take up a lot more room in storage than I should spare but I think it's worth it.

Whilst it's a Medieval windmill it's still of use for plenty of other periods as some still exist today and I can see this on a ECW table as well as a Napoleonic.I now have two windmills that can either be used in the same game or just pulled at random though I think I still need one for Spain.

Here is a shot of the whole set against a 60x60mm stand of Baccus 6mm French Old Guard, as you can see it's a space hungry beast. Not sure if this model will make it onto the table for Waterloo but it will get some play in the coming months.


  1. Love this Ian, a great piece of kit!

    1. Thanks Michael, your Casualty dio is fantastic


  2. That is a lovely looking model and one hell of a big base.

  3. Yes I should add some of the basing flock, will report back......


  4. Thanks, big is the new small, well until I come to store it



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