
Tuesday 18 February 2014

Scissors Cut Paper

After doing Hitler for the Villains round I know I needed to make amends so here we have Churchill doing his stuff. He is a Black Scorpion casting and has a lot of the feel of the great man though on painting him I realised he looked rather boring, too boring for the Hero Round given the standards that have been displayed in the preceding rounds so he ended up being a general entry.

Desperate for something to liven up the base and make the double base less obvious I was really pleased when Cath suggested covering the base with the Union Flag. Actually she suggested painting it to start with though I had more realistic views of my skills in that department!

This was my second attempt at Pin Stripes though the first one gave me a better canvas to work with as the figure was more animated and as such had lovely folds to take the stripes into. These being just the trousers were a little less fun to work with.

So here I stand, hoping that Churchill's scissors makes up for Hitler's Paper. Both figures are destined for pastures new as an ASL player in France want's them, hopefully they will bring him good luck in future games.


  1. You did a great job on this one.

    1. Thanks, it was hard to get excited about him at the time


  2. Great look and paint on Sir Churchill .
    Greetings .

    1. Cheers, yours was a lot better though


  3. Replies
    1. Thanks, the base really helped though



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