
Wednesday 26 March 2014

7th Line and 26th Reserve Regiment Adler 6mm Additions

Anyone remember Blog Con? Of course you do, but do you remember that I bought a load of Adler figures via Dave D? A mix of unpainted French and Polish and in painted yet more French (early and late) and Prussians. Well Adler supply army packs with 30-40 figs a battalion whilst we use 24-32 figures so I ended up with a lot of figures without command (Prussian and French) so I went to my bits box and found out some spare colour bearers, for some reason I seemed to have the required officers and drummers or at least mounted officers so I made up three battalions of Line and another three of Reserve.
I found the correct flags for the 7th Regiment but alas my Baccus stash did not have this regiment amongst them but one of the spares would work if I repainted the white to green so this is exactly what I did. The 1st Battalion has the green cross whilst the one above shows the 2nd Battalion. I really like Baccus flags as you can get some great movement in them and I really like the look of a wind ruffled flag I captured in this one.

The 7th was not actually in the fighting at Waterloo, instead it was at Ligny (part of I Corp) so will not get to come out and play during the Waterloo game but could still get an outing before the big day and is destined to get play during other big big games we will play in the future.

The 26th Reserve, or by this point really the 26th Line Regiment is part of II Corp and is the only Regiment of Kraft's 6th Brigade that did NOT fight at Waterloo but again these guys will give me depth for other games and will really help in rounding out the full OOB for when we revisit the 100 Days with some form of what if scenario. After all I still need to paint up a further 54 battalions on top of the Waterloo commitment if I want to have all the Prussians of the 100 Day campaign!!


  1. 54? You lucky boy you!!!!! Great looking figures Ian!!!

    1. Don't forget the French, Lee has the Guard but I will still get it and paint it up for my collection at some point, oh the fun


  2. Replies
    1. I normally aim for at least three battalions a month, may have to step that up


  3. You are a glutton for punishment! More great work Ian.

    1. Thanks but I enjoy it, now looking at the early Spanish as a side project once we have Waterloo licked


  4. Only 54? You'll do that standing on your head mate :-)

    1. I felt a little burnt when I did the 13 battalions in one go of the French but finding the five I am doing at the moment no problem at all, does that mean I am over the hump or just humped? ;-)


  5. 54 more my my.

    They look very good mind you

    1. Don't forget the 25 French Battalions as well LOL


  6. Excellent, really excellent...but 54? Are you serious?

  7. Oh I plan on more than that by the time I am finished, as for the French I need at least another 100 battalions before I can call them done



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