
Monday 3 March 2014

Baccus 6mm Generals The New Castings

I have had these for some time now, so I must apologise to Peter for taking so long to get them painted. As anyone who follows this blog will know I have been painting up a lot of 28mm WWII of late, a trend that will run on for a little while though I plan lots of other diversions along the way.

Also worth pointing out the Elite Light Cavalry and Lancers have just been released, I will of course be buying these in the next few weeks or month as I am waiting till the new Infantry in 1812 uniform and infantry in greatcoats become available.

Back to the subject in hand, these are the new Baccus Generals and Marshals from their new pack NFR11 which costs £3 for a pack of 15 figures. These are certainly a major upgrade on the original figures. Whilst this pack does NOT include Napoleon himself (the original had 3 or 4 I think) it does have a much wider range of figures with little repeats. The originals frustrated me with the lack of choice so now I am much happier with the choice.

All the figures are mounted and most stationary, though I have made one horse stand on just it's back legs. I would have liked more in motion but I do accept that generals over all just stand about watching ;-)

The figures are quite detailed with a number clearly holding telescopes though the two I like the most is the one wearing a cloak nice and wrapped up and the one holding his hat at his side. 

Typical of a Baccus figure they are sturdy and will take a hard pounding, paint up quickly and have all the detail you need. However they don't have all the detail I want. Adler take full advantage of that extra 1mm (or 2!) and their command make use of this huge advantage. True they are far more delicate and take much more time to clean up and paint so at the end of the day it's very much a personal choice which to go for.

Taking all this into account I still give these figures a huge thumbs up and if you already have a complete Baccus French army it may well still be worth buying the new command to replace your old and what ever French Army you own it's worth adding these new commanders to it.


  1. Replies
    1. Thank's Michael, I really am in the mood for more now


  2. Replies
    1. Cheers, Seems like a long time since I did any of them


  3. Fantastic work on these minis Ian! Now I know how hard it is to paint these little fellows! ;-)
    PS: I've painted the first one of the ones you sended me: I hope you can give me some feedback on what I did good and wrong. Thanks again!


    1. I had a look at yours and thought you had done a cracking job, looking forward to seeing the rest done


  4. Very nice work, love these units!

    1. Thank's, with our rules you need a fair few, though I think I have rather a lot already but a few more wont hurt


  5. I like these miniatures...even if my 6mm Napoleonic armies are all Adler... :-)


    1. My Prussians were going to be all Adler but I cracked and bought Baccus recently just so I can paint the required units with time to spare. It does mean that as I had bought all the units for Waterloo before buying the Baccus that when I have painted all I have I will have a good sized Prussian Army, oh yeah


  6. Replies
    1. Thanks Ray, I was going through my boxes yesterday and I may just have to get both armies out for a photo shoot, would take a while LOL



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