
Tuesday 15 April 2014

6mm Adler Basing Session and more New Baccus French Infantry Done

No not new new Baccus French Infantry, rather the NFR2 and NFR3 that was released last year (I really did not think it was THAT long ago!!!)

These are another five Battalions that finishes off one of the Infantry booster boxes I had left over. I still have one twelve Battalion box that will be started in May if the wind is in the right direction. I have to say these for some reason was a lot of fun to paint up. I did expect to feel a little burnt out given the recent 13 Battalion charge I did during the painting challenge but no it was good to get on to these. I just have ten more each of Ligne and Leger  to do to have enough for Waterloo but of course that will not stop me adding to that number as I paint up others.

Up to now all my Battalions have had the Losange Tricolour not realising I needed to do Fanions IF I wanted to do it right. The chances are that you have seen the last French Tricolour from me for quite a while whilst I try and catch up ;-) I have added two 2nd Battalion Fanions to these newly painted French.

Here we have the 3rd Battalion, all but one of the Battalions are  in column this time but it's quite possible I will base most of the next lot in line, lets see how the mood takes me.

Having yet to put them on the table I have yet to decide I like the whole correct flags thing. It's still possible they will be torn off and replaced by a more recognised sea of flags. Here is the 4th Battalion showing it's colours.

With the Joy of Six only a few months away you can be sure that I will not get enough 2-6th Battalion flags done to make up the correct mix so I guess I will spend parts of the day admitting my lack of knowledge but that's the price of not digging the detail out. Lee you see is yet to START flagging his, so come Waterloo his will ether be correct OR not yet flagged, now that would be funny. This is the 5th Battalion, the 6th had a Yellow Fanion but not that many regiments actually had six Battalions never mind fielded it in a battle I am likely to play out.

Yes the packs also have the white straps on the back, glutton for punishment as I am. Two of them also have Adler Mounted Infantry Officers to lead them to glory, or not.

I also took the opportunity to base up the three French Adler guns and crews I had got amongst all the Prussian and other painted figures at Blog-Con. I have quite a few French guns already but these will still come in handy as well as the unpainted ones in with the Adler French Division pack not to mention the new Baccus I also bought recently. I bet I still need more before I am finished too.

Not that I stopped there as I still had a bunch of Prussian cavalry to base up including four bases of Hussars. Unfortunately only one of the four can be used for Waterloo, meaning three will be used for other battles and I still have plenty more to paint for the big game.

I am not really concerned as they will come in at some point and I have the unpainted figures in hand for the ones I do need to paint up so all is good as I still have plenty of time to get them done. 

I also have six bases of Prussian Dragoons and again can only make use of one of these. That's a bit more of a pain as six is a lot to not get much use from but again I will get use out of them for other battles.

So all told a fairly productive basing session, one I expected to drag on as it's not painting but they were done fairly quickly and are now all stored away awaiting the call. I suspect knowing that they will get used reasonably soon was enough to get me to push on with the basing.

I still have some Prussian command to base as well as a fair few Prussian guns and limbers but once these are done that will be it for the Blog-Con painted figures until I move onto the Early French or the Poles which I have a few Battalions needing attention.


  1. Replies
    1. Thanks, need to keep working our way through the balance though


  2. Impressive army of little soldiers !

    1. Thanks Sam, by the time we are finished we should have 100's of them


  3. Great looking troops Ian! Love the pennons!

    1. Thanks' I must be nuts to start going with the alternative flags as I now need even more


  4. Great looking (tiny) figures. Impressive basing as well, very nicely done.

    1. Thanks Matt unfortunately I have based a lot differently already, time and a few tests need to be done to see if I will rebase them all


  5. Replies
    1. Cheers, I need it to crush them Brits LOL


  6. If we had another year then it would be more than a suggestion, we will do it sometime though


  7. Great work ian looks amazing


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