
Sunday 13 April 2014

Building of the Week Fortified Manor - Leven Miniatures

Whilst many lucky wargamers were travelling home with supplies topped up, I was painting up this little treasure. It really painted up quickly even though it's not small it reacted well to ink washes between dry brushes to give good layered colours.

This building is yet to be released but it's code is NAP06 - Fortified Manor House and hopefully will be up for sale soon as it's listed as it is on the coming soon section. Again this is one of the larger buildings that Leven produce so I expect it to be in excess of the usual £2.50 mark he often works to.

I love the tower as it adds a lot of character to this building, which otherwise would be just rectangular. I would not be adverse to having the building made without the tower as a second building though.

I also like the small windows and the odd height to them, shouts out that a set of stairs run up that wall. Again some real nice detail is that windows are at different height's. Not a common feature of buildings but it fits well with this building and I can visualise a step down from the adjoining rooms!

Did I mention I like that tower? Stonework is again nice and varied with the surface not only being irregular but also sections stand slightly more proud than others allowing the paint to be taken more on some sections than others. The sculptor of the model really helps you paint this building. 

being very sunny today the sun was bleaching some of the work so I took this one as well to show the stonework a little clearer. For colours I used Vallejo Buff, Iraqi Sand, German Camouflage Beige and Ivory as well as GW Agax Earthshade and various greys and Nulan Oil on the tiles and windows.

For size, this time I used the new Baccus Grenadier figures putting the Manor onto a base for the shot to give a better idea of the scale. I will, not surprisingly be buying this model when it comes out as it's a great fit for the Napoleonic games we play. It actually is in the Normandy area so great for WWII as well.


  1. Very nice, great looking building!

    1. Thanks Phil, it gratifying to paint it up as it went together well.


  2. Looks very nice Ian - great paint job :)

    1. Thanks Tamsin, can't wait to have another go for one I can keep.


  3. those Leven Miniatures buildings are excellent : each time I believe they are of a larger scale !
    Well deserved by your paint job, of course ....

    1. He does manage to make you think it's bigger, that's why I try and mention the scale and they are on the smaller side of 6mm that really works with large formations.


  4. I agree, the ink did wonders to this little Jewel. We don't spend enough time working on our terrain as a rule. I'm also working on changing that. Recently playing a couple games on a very nicely done table has motivated me to spend more time working on my terrain.

    Nice job on this Church. Every town needs one (or more) churches so I'm sure you'll get a lot of use out of it.

    1. Cheers, Allan, I have sspent more time on buildings since coming back to the hobby. Oddly I spent more on buildings two years ago when I had been out of work a year than I did when last in the hobby and in work.

      The amount spent since getting back into work is best left unsaid ;-)

      I think the fact that we are overall much better painters than we were 10-20 years ago and the techniques picked up (thank you army painter, inks and internet) that we have had to raise our game on terrain.

      Lee has made our boards and is really good at it so you don't want poor painted or made buildings, woods etc on them.



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