
Sunday 6 April 2014

Building of the Week - Vendome Manor

One day late as I could not get any good pictures with the weather turning to rain yesterday. I have for you a yet to be released building from Leven Miniatures, this time based on a French Manor House and suitable for use from the Napoleonic period through to present day. 

This model is based on Vendome Manor House (NAP08) and is a fairly chunky building that I expect to sell around £3.50 based on current pricing rather than any inside knowledge. 

It certainly is an interesting building with lots of angles for what is essentially a square building. I will be buying one of these to mount on it's own board with an outbuilding or two and a few walls etc. 

My only niggle is that I would have liked to see the states of the roof represented somewhat smaller but when your not looking at images like the one above they don't stick out as obviously large.

I have to admit I really like this building and it was a treat to paint it up. The walls just got the base colour and a couple of dry brushes of lighter colours whilst the roof received a ink wash before colours were added as a drybrush effect.

Since Dave D. asked for some figures to be shown to compare the size on the last building post I thought I would best use some of his excellently painted Adler.

Here is the buildings from the last Building of the Week to help compare all of them. It would have helped to base the buildings to give a fairer view but they work well with the figures, just check out the last post for an idea of how they look in action.


  1. Mind your manors young man!

    That's painted up very nicely Ian.

  2. Looking good, nice to see the comparison in sizes. Are you going to be using them individually or basing up into villages, towns etc?

  3. Very nice looking building Ian.I agree about the roof too. The slates are huge!

  4. Hola
    Muy chulo si seƱor
    un saludo

  5. @ Fran, Thanks

    @ Tansin, you tell him!!,

    @ Dave, plan to do a mix though until after Waterloo most will remain unbased

    @ Phil, Cheers

    @ Michael, Thanks,

    @ Roger, The other new ones I have yet to paint have much smaller slates

    @ j.d. Gracias, me alegro de que te guste



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