
Friday 9 May 2014

Buildings of the Week, Going Medieval

No new buildings this week as I re-visit the Leven Miniatures Medieval range, though I have them as older buildings for either the ECW or Napoleonic period. Indeed much of the Quatre Bras village will be made up of the MED03, MED04 and MED06 buildings. I will be adding some of the MED05's as well but more likely they will be in the outskirts or part of one of the farms. Most of these will in fact find their way into my town to mix in with the other three already painted.

I had damaged one of the MED04 buildings when I first dropped it and then ran over it with my chair for good measure. Never mind, why not have a little fun.

I worked on it with a hammer to try and break up the roof a little which was much harder than you would think. Finally I managed to get the roof broken away in enough areas as to make it easy to work with. I also damaged the sides in a few points which I turned into further damage.

I will be painting up a wood shop to go on the tile adjacent so added some discarded older wood to the tile. The wood yard will have fresh looking wood to work a good comparison to the stained wood that's been left here. The plan is to build up a number of tiles that are trades which will add a bit more life to the town, just got to work out exactly what to do but that's half the fun.

View from above, as you can see the smoke billows out as well as up. The smoke is in fact toy wadding that I have teased out and added some grey black watery paint too. I really like the result and it will hold well and not fall off at a later date. Maybe Quatre Bras may have a burning building come Joy of Six LOL

I did paint flame colours to the broken parts of the roof (on a black base colour) which was not over the top so works well. It was a lot of fun but very messy.

I also added a door to the model, open into the street and added smoke pouring out of it, I did want to add someone hanging out of the building but being Medieval model the windows were very small so instead I may add a few people in the street looking rather unhappy.

Whilst having more fun than should be allowed I also painted up another three buildings this week using up the whole of my Medieval supply. Mostly they are similar in colour to each other but each has a point or two of difference and will be placed away from each other in the old quarter of town. 

I will possibly buy even more of these buildings in the future as they look really good on the table and can fit into both the periods I do in 6mm and will fit into many of the countries that the Napoleonic war was fought over.

All three roofs were done a little different which helps break up the similar paint jobs. These three and the others I have not based will end up on the same tile as a bit of an hovel section, this will allow me to put the buildings close to each other and also make roads that are not totally on a grid. I plan to do a number of these with varying number of buildings and other scenic's as fancy grabs me and imagination allows.

A scale shot against the new Baccus French Grenadiers. I plan to paint about three buildings a week until the end of June, this will have me on about 50 buildings for the year at that point and on track for the 50 mark. Getting 100 building's done in a year is about £200-£250 worth in Leven Miniatures, that's a lot of resin for your money!


  1. There's a lot of personality in that. Very nice work!

    1. Thanks Peter, I normally strive for the buildings to blend in but thought it would be nice to have one standing out amongst the rest.


  2. So, you're a vandal and an arsonist Ian. I always knew there was something about you.... ;)

    Great work on these, especially the burning building.

    1. I tried to hide it but you saw through it ;-)


  3. Very nice looking buildings Ian! The burning one is really good!

    1. Cheers Rodger, I like the burning one LOL



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