
Saturday 14 June 2014

Adler Old Guard Artillery Arrive.

Got back from London he other day to a small buff envelope. Inside was an even smaller order from Adler of just four gun's crews and limbers for the French Guard. They are needed for the Quatre Bras game and an unwelcome surprise when talking to Lee that neither of us had them as the figures are fairly newly released as in about ten months ago. Having only just picked up an Adler order at Triples last month it did feel a bit like a fail. I need to get these painted up in the next 4-5 weeks as Joy of Six is just around the corner. I also need to finish two French cavalry regiments but at least those just need painting as of last night.

On the other hand, Lee is flagging, well he should be! You see Lee hates attaching small paper flags to small figures, shame then he has the British who need two a battalion LOL. He has said he will get a good session in tomorrow, you can bet I will be getting in touch to check how many he has done and mock him no matter what the answer, it's what friends are for.

Post Triples I started to think about how my attitude to funding my hobby has taken a bit of a diversion, seems I am in the red for the Wargames Neutral and whilst I will get a shot in the arm funds wise when I get to sell some of the Winter War stuff I wonder if I will ever go back to total funding?

With that in mind I made up yet another little spreadsheet that chartered the figures bought against painted from May onwards. The idea being to halt the worrying situation of increasing size of ones mountain and should I hope stop the shameful growth :-) So once a month expect something like this to be published.

May saw an increase of twelve regiments to the mountain for the painting of just three so I go into June with a PLUS 9 which will take a few months to work off. I also bought six battalions of Infantry but balanced that with the French Infantry I had painted.

Whilst I will mention figures painted in excess to bought the balance will not be carried forward each month so I don't have a pot of done figures to count against purchases. This should help to REDUCE the mountain, I know heresy! 

May was an incomplete month of calculations, June though does not look good at the moment and with the Baccus open day and Joy of Six in July I have doubts this will look good for a while yet.


  1. That's great that you guys have fun mocking and teasing each other. That's good fun.

    1. You wait till we get to the last few days and something still needs finishing


  2. Just buy!! Don't try justifying any of it or you will just waste good painting time!

    1. So now I know who the little devil sitting on my shoulder is ;-)


  3. I've actually decided that apart from a few small purchases to complete existing armies, I won't be buying any more figures until I've cleared a good portion of my existing lead pile. I'm not going to be keeping track of things with a spreadsheet though.

    1. It's a good plan, but I can see the weak point as you sneak extra into the flat. That spreadsheet is your only hope LOL


  4. As is said, "you can't manage what you don't measure." If tracking inputs and outputs helps towards your goal of reducing the lead pile then it is a good step.

    Me? I prefer only tracking the outputs...

    1. I have for the past two years been tracking by spreadsheet the figures for Waterloo and it's a real comfort to know I am on track, indeed actually in front. I also know I now have all the figures (less twenty odd Battalions of French) in stock to get it done


  5. Spreadsheet, too advanced for this old boy but it does make sense!

    1. Believe me it's a very basic spreadsheet


  6. I do love it when you return home to find a little packet of lovelies!

    1. It's a great feeling, not got any more due in at the moment, but I will be picking up yet more shiny at Joy of Six



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