
Monday 30 June 2014

French Old Guard Artillery - New Adler 6mm Figures

When I say new, I really mean fairly new as they actually came out towards the end of last year. As late as Triples I was not aware I needed these as I may have mentioned before LOL. So here we have four guns and limbers from Adler and below is my thoughts.

I need two batteries of Guard Horse Artillery for the Quatre Bras game even though they are very unlikely to make the table before it's time to pack away. Worse still it's quite possible they will not be needed for Waterloo as Lee is fielding the Guard and may well have them covered. Oh well it's a start on my Guard that I will be doing at some point anyway.
The guns are fiddly to assemble and I know Lee prefers the Baccus whole cast guns for this very reason. I have to agree that Lee does have a point, though I did not find it too difficult and rather like the extra wheels you get that allow you to add them to bases or even farm yards etc.

The one thing that seems wrong is the width of the carriage though it could be historically correct and visually wrong like ECW felt hats are the opposite. Still the detail is top notch and can be painted in as required.
The crew figures are nice with the four usual poses, I think I should also have bought some of the command figures so as to have a drummer getting in the way on the odd base. Something to consider for the next lot.

The picture above gives a better view of the width of the carriage and I would welcome views on if this is correct or should I cut the axles even shorter?

Have I ever mentioned that horses tack is not my chosen pastime? So this is close to my idea of hell, well not that bad but I was sure glad to get to the other side of painting them for sure.

I moved the three riders around so I have different looking teams, not that I expect that to be picked up without a mention but it floats my boat.
Limber and gun. The limber crews wore a different colour blue to the gunners, I am glad I realised that before painting them! All told I am rather pleased with how they cam out and can recommend them to all you French Guard fans. The sculpts are reasonably clean, yes some clean up work is required but not to much. I did loose two tails from the horses, one my fault the other before I had actually started to clean them up.

This brings to an end the figures needed for Quatre Bras and now I can move onto the book work, the labelling and boxing of the figures. I am rather proud that all the figures fielded by me will have all been painted by me as it could be considered a fully finalised project. Of course it's really just the start but I will try to ignore that for a day or three.


  1. Replies
    1. Thanks Ray, I think I need to get some big boys out soon though


  2. Nice looking artillery Ian :)

    1. I am hoping to make holes in the Allies in a couple of weeks with them ;-)


  3. They look superb! have to say the single casting of the Bacus ones is my preference as well, just couldn't face glueing something that small

    1. Biggest issue is they look clumsy with the width.


  4. Wonderful work on these wee chaps Ian!

  5. Good work on these guardsmen! Like, you, I really loathe painting limbers and teams. Always a relief when that project is finished.

    1. At least it's 6mm, our rules only have limbers for horse artillery, guess who wrote THAT rule


  6. Got to agree about the width of the gun carrages on Adler artillery. I always cut the pins off that go into the wheel hub and file the end flat then super glue it. More often than not, the pin is slightly too big to go in the hole anyway which means drilling the hole out a bit with a pin vice drill. Quicker and less fidley to cut the pins off. This also reduces the width a bit and looks more realistic.

    1. Such work just makes the Baccus guns more desired though



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