
Saturday 7 June 2014

More Bang for my Prussian's - Project Waterloo

Well my last post brought on a lot of comments so thanks to all that commented and some nice long ones too. I have changed one line as I had not made it clear I had moved back to the part time painting services so apologies to all the full time ones for being unclear.

All I have done here is base the guns and crews as these are the last of the painted Prussians that Dave handed over at Blog Con 1 back in October  (I think). All told it was ten serviceable guns but only enough to give each gun a crew of three. Half the guns have a ammo box built on the gun, I think this marks them as British supplied guns.

The other five are the normal Prussian gun. In both sets I have an howitzer which fits in nice. This gives me a total of ten more guns with just another ten needed for the Project Waterloo establishment. These ten are Adler and I have more unpainted Adler in my to paint box along with another eight Baccus so I won't need to buy any more for a while.

I am not too precious about getting on with them though it won't be that long before I will need to average a gun a month to have them ready. Expect me doing them in one or two batches once all the cavalry is painted or at least when they are almost done with.

Of course I will need limbers for the Horse Artillery and was fortunate to have enough bits to make up four bases, though three of them just have a two horse team. I again have teams of unpainted and will do a few more even though they are at this point going to be in excess of what is required.

I still have two limbers without horses and four guns without crews, these will find their way onto other bases just to add a little interest to the overall look. 

So from here on in it will be all my work again, still plenty to get finished but I have far more boxes ticked than need ticking, so I must be winning. I have had to send in a small order to Adler for Guard Horse Artillery as I need four guns and limbers for Joy of Six so these will be on the bench real soon with about seven weeks to go.


  1. Very nice job, great basement!

    1. Thanks Phil was nice seeing them done so quick


  2. Replies
    1. Cheers, soon be the turn of the command I finished at the same time


  3. Replies
    1. Thank's it's good to get a nice block added to the force in one go


  4. Every hard pressed infantryman loves the artillery and these are particularly splendid Ian.

    1. They sure do but I have a feeling it will be the French who will be the most hard pressed by the time these get to start playing over my poor French


  5. Replies
    1. Got me some targets on the table at the moment, can't wait to get them all on the table at the same time


  6. You're certainly doing a lot of good work to promote 6 mil. Nice figures.

    1. Don't you mean pins LOL, I do like painting in this scale, the weekend looks to be all 28mm though not that I am complaining. You made my son a very happy boy


  7. Replies
    1. Thanks though only the basing can I claim on these


  8. Can't believe they are 6mm, awesome work Ian!

    1. They are well sculptured, I have some Guard Artillery to do over the next few weeks ready for the display game about five weeks to go I think


  9. Very cool, Ian. And I too like when people leave long comments. It's fun to read what people are working on, eating, writing, doing, and playing at the time of the comment.

    Cheers to you and a great big boogie boogie.

  10. Lovely looking guns!


    1. Pity I am most likely to feel their wrath before I get to use them myself. The clock really feels like it's ticking at the moment. Before we know it we will be getting the game all laid out and started



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