
Monday 2 June 2014

Partizan the loot, the game and the chatter

What a great day we had at Partizan, but it Ain't Half Hot Mum. Well my son, Lee, Adi and I had a great time, my daughter less so as it was hot and other than the game she played it was not much fun whilst my son would have stayed to the very end just like Triples.

First up Loki had a gift for my son as he knew he was painting up his own SAGA force and knowing that I had yet to get the rules and dice (see last post) he surprised me with a beyond expectation gift. Loki had already offered his old 1st edition rules at Triples (in fact he gave us a 2nd edition set) and mentioned he would give me a set of dice for my son after reading my last post. It's a big deal to me how my son has been treated by other gamers and it's a MASSIVE deal to him. For a lad of seven to be given nice gifts, it's great, and whilst he does not know the value he really appreciates such gifts but what really makes it for him is how the guys talk to him, being engaged in conversations as an equal is such a wonderful thing for him. It started on the journey to the show, got better when he saw Gary in the queue and went up to him to say thank you for the figures that Gary had sent him and the couple of emails he has had gives him such a magical start in this hobby.

High on the agenda for both my kids was a chance to play a game or three, my son had got in a game of Dead Man's Hand at Triples and was wanting to get another go but he was awestruck by Sydney's game and jumped at the chance to play. My daughter suffering from the heat and not being able to sit down, this was a little more than she wanted to take but the boy, well he would have stayed and played all day. I was relieved to get away without having to buy figures for ANOTHER period. Cowboys and Saga are enough for now, he has said he wants to play with my Napoleonic's sometime (his words, I expected him to say pins LOL). Well he has a surprise as he's going to get the chance sooner than he expects as he will be commanding some of the French at Joy of Six in about seven weeks time. I just know he is so up for it and will be OK for the full show. Actually even though my girl was hot, bored and ready for home early on she was no trouble but it's safe to say she will give the next few a miss.

Craig the German was sneaking through the woods, he was to meet my daughters forward MG and platoon and whilst they carried the position she did enough damage that the attacking units were washed up and time was lost as other German units passed through them.

Reinforcements for the French, my son decided to move forward but was careful to leave a clear firelane for the rear MG, looks like I could have trouble from him in the future.

The German bomber squad was constantly receiving fire that kept adding shock to the unit and the odd loss. Each turn they would rally off some of the shock but every time they cleared a few they were hit again and again.

The reason being for the most part a second squad of my son's which again he had brought forward to cover that approach and just kept up a lively fire.

So a big thank you to Sydney for allowing such a young per of recruits to have a go and Craig for being such a sport and not put off by such opposition, a real gent. Having played on some of the boards at Blog Con I was already used to the style of board but they did not prepare me for the fantastic work he has achieved. Believe me when I tell you the photo's just don't do his work justice.

After Triples being only two weeks before I did not have anything I wanted to buy so of course this meant I spent more than I would have expected and here it is. I actually spent most of my money on three stalls in a 4 store run!

Warbases saw me spend first, a stage coach, wagon and two horses for the cowboy games. Next couple of shows will see me getting a few buildings just to up the bar. I also bought a pack of Rendra barrels, again for the cowboys to hide behind.

I bought a pack of Austrian Lancers to stand in for Guard Lancers but won't now paint these up as Lee has the unit already painted up so will use his. I also bought a pack of wagons as you can always use them can't you.

Last up was a Otherword Miniatures Male Human Ranger which was supposed to be their female thief but I put the wrong one back on the peg, well he is a nice figure and will come in, just need to get the other one at some point.

So a great show from my view. It was good that my daughter got to try a show as she was a little jealous about her brothers fun from two weeks before. Now she will be happy to see us leaving for a show knowing that she will have some quality Mum time. 


  1. And Nice to see you again Richard, really must make a game night soon


  2. Sorry I did not manage to have a proper chat.. Looks like you had a grand day.. And you really have a budding gamer there.. Don't sweat the old west buildings I have a couple I will send you to get ya started!

    1. Dave, that's very generous, though we can manage (I use dungeon floor plans) mind you their still waiting for me to paint up the cowboys which I will do some of this weekend LOL


  3. Sounds great. A shame your daughter didn't get the full benefit, but it sounds like the lad is well and truly hooked! Loki and Gary are really generous guys and a credit to the hobby.

    1. It's not just these two fine fellows but yes they are a credit to the boys that do


  4. It's a slippery slope - soon you'll have two lead piles to furnish at each show. But a least you've a kind helping hand or two to start you off.

    1. I already have that going, though my son paints quite fast so his lead pile gets worked through at a reasonable speed


  5. Sounds like you all enjoyed yourself, apart from your daughter! Nice to here of all the bloggers helping your lad out with figures.

    1. He is having a great time, he had pocket money and was going to buy his big sister something but of course I stepped in and paid the levy, he is a good lad


  6. That's amazing Lee. Loving hearing how your lad is being inducted into this great hobby of ours. Hopefully he will have a lifetime of enjoyment out of it. My own daughter is only 3 at the moment but I honestly look forward to being able to take her along to the odd show in the future.i came away from Partizan strangely enthused and had a great day.

    1. Despite the heat it was great to be in the tents. I too was floating on the air a little as well. Fortunately I have been able to be at the brushes a reasonable amount since.


  7. That is one awesome looking table top. Great that the games community is welcoming in your son to the hobby in such a positive way.

    1. That table had something to do with dogs danglies


  8. What a fabulous post and delightful start to the young man's hobby experience!

    1. Glad you liked it, it was a real pleasure to write.


  9. Great post, tops up my faith in humanity! Cheers, Paul :-)

    1. I come away from shows positive every time, it's the people who make the shows for me these days


  10. He is having a whale of a time, will be playing more cowboys this weekend which means I need to get some work done on the Partizan purchases and maybe a new character or two



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