
Monday 14 July 2014

2nd Elbe Landwehr Baccus

Finished at the same time as the 1st Elbe Landwehr I delayed blogging them to give you a bit of space between them as they are very similar.
The first Battalion in column this time, overall I have the Landwehr mostly in column rather than line as it's an easier formation to keep in good order. This is not so much for Waterloo as earlier battles using these troops, especially when they were first raised. Not that it matters with our rules as the only formation that effects combat is square.

Note the officer hiding behind the line, seems a sensible chap to me. I averaged about a regiment a week though I was rather tardy putting in less than two hours an evening. These were painted from a black base coat.

Back to column for the third Battalion and a little bit of a play as I add another hedge to one on the bases. I have some stone walls I plan to add to the odd base as well. In reality I always plan more than I actually get round to doing but I think once I am no longer working to a schedule I will put more thought into this type of thing.

I was going to put a wrecked limber on the other side of the hedge as an after thought but the space was a little lacking so I have left it plain.

This picture shows off the Adler officer better. I should have all the Prussians finished for the end of this year. This could roll over into 2015 but not by far. If I get a wriggle on I could get them all done earlier but I have a lot of other things I want to do so expect it wrapped up over New Years.

All three Battalions ready to attack the old enemy, I guess I had better get more of these painted up then! At this point I have just under seventy Prussian Battalions painted though all will not for the Waterloo game as they are the wrong Regiments. I have enough figures in stock to bring the total to over one hundred battalions, that is worrying.

I expect to pick up another 24 Battalions worth of French at Joy of Six at the weekend. I must have about 50-60+ Battalions of French all done as well. Possibly a fair few more. I should count them though I know what I still need to paint for Project Waterloo, another seventeen. So for the rest of this month I plan on doing one battalion each of the new Baccus (if they are ready) finish two regiments of 6mm Zulu's and work further on the cowboys and Vikings in 28mm.


  1. Hola
    Buenas esas peanas
    Están completas
    un saludo


    1. Gracias, me alegro de que te gusten


  2. 100 battalions would look very very impressive on the table!

    1. When we do Waterloo we should have around 250-300 odd between all the sides


  3. Another great work, the mass effect will be most impressive...I am already impressed by your bases, once more, great details!

    1. Thanks, I realy am looking forward to seeig all these on the table. Lee does a cracking job on the scenics so the whole thing should look great.


  4. You must be a dedicated man to get these done... I found working on Warmaster 10mm stuff small, these are even smaller! They do each make for a cute little diorama!

    1. Cute? Yuk, they are reasonably easy to do when your in the zone. I did a total of nine Battalions in one go which is about the max I can stand to do at once


  5. Great looking units, the flags look really really good very crisp!

    1. Thank's, I got the flags ages ago, can't remember exactly where now. It was that or repeating the Baccus ones and as this wastes about a third of the sheet was not too comfortable with it. That said I have loads of repeats in these as well.



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