
Wednesday 16 July 2014

3rd Neumark Landwehr - Baccus

The last three Battalions painted up recently are the 3rd Neumark Landwehr and like the two previous regiments I have had to improvise on what could have been their standards. The figures are the same paint job as the Elbe regiments except they have red rather than the pale blue facings.

Another shot of the 1st Battalion showing the flag off a little better. These are part of the IV Corp, this is the Corp that has by far the most work outstanding on it as I have worked I Corp down.

2nd Battalion with two foolhardy commanders (again Adler) pointing the way forward. I went with a reversed colour cross as 1st and 2nd Battalions in the line regiments reverse the colours whilst of course the 3rd does not carry a flag.

I like the look of this Battalion, as the two officers give it a little bit of a different look and I like the way the flag ruffles around the bearers head. Having carried a standard in the Kings Lifeguard a few times I know how the bugger can get in the way.

Finally the last Battalion, back to black for the flag but this time with a golden trim just to make it that bit different. This one also gets a larger bush which the Battalion has made it's way around.

As mentioned in previous comments, I have started to put more and more additional bits on the bases as I think it really adds to the look and makes them that bit more interesting and breaks up the flat look that you get otherwise.

All nine battalions all together, these are now all stacked away with the rest of the army. Given the amount of time and money that has gone into this army it's a little bit surprising that to date it's received zero play. At some point before May next year some of these guys will be brought out of their boxes and the stats we give them will be tested. I am planning at least one game with Matt to see what he thinks of the rules, not that I can convert him over to our rules as he has A LOT based to 60x30 though the rules would work as such.


  1. More miniature loveliness Ian.

    1. Thanks Michael, now back to the 28mm's for a day


  2. these look really sharp Ian, very nice work.

    1. Thanks Smillie, if you go to Joy of Six next year you might get to see them in person, who knows


  3. Great painting Ian love the basing to well done

    1. Thanks Richard, Lee got me onto this basing system, unfortunately not till after I based a lot, must convert them one day


  4. Thanks, hope you like the next posts offering as well



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