
Thursday 31 July 2014

A Month of Shame

Well I do have a bunch of stuff on the painting table that will help me out next month but it's fair to say that July has not seen me at my best what with two games and all the weather bringing the painting total down a few pegs whilst the buying did not totally get brought under control. The numbers are....

Lets start with the 6mm as that is the worst offenders.

6mm Infantry PLUS 15 as I finished nine battalions this month but then I did buy twenty four of the new Baccus French. At least I have six Battalions on the table at the moment. Actually the big gain does not bother me as over the next few months I will get that into the minus figures and I actually needed twelve of them anyway.

6mm Cavalry, none got painted this month so I am still on PLUS 11, lets see what I get done over the next five weeks, I think I see more Prussians done.

6mm Command, got 10 of these guys painted so a MINUS 10 for the pile.

6mm Guns and Crews PLUS 8 but four of these are on the table part done the rest next month?

6mm Buildings (Gulp) I did paint ONE this month so that makes a mere PLUS 35 then! I guess building of the week will be back next week or else!

6mm Planes as this is a new diversion yet to be started I am on PLUS 10 but I think once I get going these will come along well.

28mm Infantry, MINUS 6 as I got the cowboys done. My next lot of the Winter War are due any day so I can expect the figure to go the wrong way probably next month, ow well I do plan to get the Vikings finished in the next couple of weeks as I am off work for a week and want to get a game of SAGA in with the son so need to get cracking.

28mm Wagons, still on PLUS 2 as I have yet to paint the ones picked up at Partizan, must get on them.

28mm Horses PLUS 2 see wagons for the same answer.

The good news I guess is that I do not see any actual purchases for the whole month but with The Worlds at the beginning of October I can see a little bit of buying going off. I could also get the Arena Rex Kickstarter arrive in October adding yet more Resin to the mountain.

So I hope that August will be a month of shrinking down on the gains whilst October may get a few figures bought (I am thinking SAGA and Cowboys) and a few buildings but nothing beyond that. If THAT actually works out then the run towards the end of the year could be good for slimming down the mountain and if I get the best part of the Project Waterloo figures finished this year you should see other parts of the mountain slim down. OK lets here your views LOL


  1. "I do not see any actual purchases"... Yeah right... Deja vu...

    Mind you will have plants of stock for the winter challenge!

    1. The sun is setting on my best efforts of the painting challenge but I hope this years will be mostly 15 and 28mm having topped the 6mm by then


  2. Replies
    1. I know, met Lee for a drink earlier and he received his Baker Company stuff in the last couple of days so another mound to climb any day


  3. Don't feel bad...I've had a few rough spots in my painting also! Not to mention the lovely FL weather throws off the ability to primer with the heat and humidity as well as random rain storms almost every day....finally was able to primer last night outside....a few weeks back I had to use the garage and hope for the best....

    1. I don't have the primer issues here fortunately. I will be getting back into stride soon as I am in danger of falling behind if I don't get a move on


  4. ...and a shunting yard .... and a Norman Chapel ... and ... you'd better sharpen those brushes

    1. I know, I know, but I also have some very nice Iberian dwellings making a move on my table as well.....


  5. Well, the painting ebbs and flows. I think that being busy with other aspects of the hobby is the bright side of being too busy to paint. Loved the Western figures and I'm interested to see what you do with the airplanes. I've just gotten the itch for some ww2 air combat, but don't want to fall int the X-Wing rabbit hole that the sets you mentioned seem to emulate.

    1. I do take comfort from the fact I am playing etc and losing the time to some good reasons.

      Wings of Glory also do WWII and are made I think by the X-Wing guys though the WWI and II came first. Plenty of 6mm WWII planes out there and I have now painted one of the WWI ones we have so it's started



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