
Tuesday 22 July 2014

Joy of Six Purchases

I just know Dave and Loki are going to have fun with this but never mind.

Right at the end of the day I bought a few bits, though these are for my son so maybe they don't count? OK guilty as charged. I used to have a great set of rules for WWI planes and had loads of fun with them. I really don't know what happened to those planes so bought a few to paint for said son to have a go with. Five Brits including my favourite, the DH2 Pusher. 

The Germans got a mixed bunch though the Albatross DII leads the way and another old favourite the Focker EIII single wing fighter. I can see this growing some as he gets into it. Just need some rules now. I consider this not a new diversion but rather an old one brought back to life.

Last up of the bought figures is one pack each of French Late Foot Artillery 8pdr and Horse Artillery Howitzer. The guns will be swapped out with the Howitzers being used in foot batteries whilst the horse will have the 8pdr's. The flags are for the 1815 infantry bought the day before. 

My son also got a few extra's such as winning a pack of WWI guns that Lee had set up with Peter and all was rewarded with a fail of despair from me when he was given them. I was still thinking it was all Peter's shenanigans until last night when my son admitted it was set up by Lee. Peter did though give him anther pack as we were leaving. I worry it may come to something over time, though he loved the Naps game so if I feed him a diet of 6mm Naps maybe just maybe......

Mike from Leven also was at the show and we swapped packages, I got a lot of unpainted resin and he took away a much smaller bundle of painted stuff. This is a mix of yet to be released, recently released and old staples. Here is Mediterranean and Spanish buildings that have been recently released. They seem to fit in well with the TBM buildings I already have and I will do a proper comparison once they are painted up.

The building on the left is yet to be released, the middle was released recently whilst the one on the right has been out 3-6 months. The building top left on the previous photo is the yet to be released Mediterranean Tavern.

Buildings that have been out for some time but had not made it into my collection are these add on's to the large farming section (excluding the top right farm house) so lots of new buildings to have a go at.

More farm buildings, but many of these are somewhat smaller and will go on farm bases and should add a few points of interest. Another of the normal farm house again, will have to paint some of these up a little different I guess. Leven now have over 240 buildings in their range. No one else has such a broad range in 6mm and with three Waterloo farm complexes on the work bench at the moment for a total of 25 buildings I can see the 300 point passed before the year is out.

The two top right are first casts of the new Fachwerkhaus building to be released some time. It's meant to be a more commercial type building and will be fairly high up the painting queue as I want to see how it will fit in with the others. The bottom right is a new Norman church that will also find it's way to the front sometime soon. The rest are older models though two of them are new to me.

Two of the bridges, one at least will be fitted into future boards and these may be the first to get painted as I have plans to use at least one in a game on Friday. The packets have another two packs of walls as these need to get done as I now have four packs and I have plans to add to farm tiles.

It was really good to meet Mick and Ricky, both are so very passionate about their buildings and it was great for them to meet other customers, both current and those just discovering Leven. Not only did we have plenty of Leven buildings on the table but also I had put a selection of others on the table to show them off and this helped raise the awareness of the buildings to gamers as was the intention. I hope this will help spread the word some more as they make very fine buildings and I want them to do really well.

I know Leven will be doing some trade shows next year and we have agreed to put on another display game at one of those shows next year. Exactly what is yet to be decided though you can be sure it will include a bunch of Leven.


  1. I don't I actually need to say anything!!!!!

    Ok , ok.... Hoist by ones very own petard!!

    Looks like some good stuff was purchased.

    1. Well I have an excuse for the 6mm as I will get loads more painted over the coming months.

      Looking forward to the planes and have bought rules for them.


  2. Albatross! I'd rather have a choc ice. In all seriousness I am rather taken by those planes, looking forward to seeing what you both do with them.

    1. I have been looking at some images, I think we will be having some fun for sure


  3. Oooo I like those planes. That's one super duper haul you got!!

    I don't think anything you bought for your son counts against you. Bringing up a new gamer and giving them what they need for the hobby is an act of generosity.

    1. I like your thinking, maybe I could say it's all for him LOL

      Next week or two should see more Saga finished so we can get a game of that in as well


  4. The collection of buildings all look fantastic!

    1. I am hoping they look better in a few months time. At least I can start the building of the week again


  5. Glad you approve, all I need to do is glue the pin bits together, really looking forward to that LOL



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