
Thursday 10 July 2014

Project Waterloo 1st Elbe Landwehr Regiment - Baccus

With The Joy of Six in just over a week I am trying to get more of the Project Waterloo finished off. After all, nothing feels better that a project that's ahead of time. Of course the fact I am about to load back up on French infantry and add another bulge in the lead mountain also is reason to get some in hand to counter the charge.

Here we have all three Battalions of the 1st Elbe Landwehr that were part of II Corp and got to fight at Waterloo. The 2nd Elbe Regiment also thought at Waterloo whilst the 3rd only took part in Ligny, well at least did not fight at Waterloo so will not be painted till later.

1st Battalion
The flags chosen are conjecture but this time I have given all three battalions flags after advice from Lee. Talking of which, Lee was over here on Friday and looking at the painting table told me which regiment I was painting. That guy has the knowledge!

2nd Battalion
These are all Baccus figures except the mounted officers who are Adler. This time I went for a mounted officer on all bases. The Landwehr by this point were of much sterner stuff than earlier conflicts as they were not only veterans of several campaigns at this point but had known victory. Of course by this point they had also lost a battle not 48 hours before and conducted almost constant marches in rain and heat since.

3rd Battalion
We have yet to sit down and give the Prussians values for their troops but I think the Prussians are going to be the most difficult to get right. In part as they need different values for different periods, especially the Landwehr. Added to that I think the Prussians need some form of reduced strength to take account of the trials of the last two days.

These are part of the twelve Battalions of Landwehr that are produced by Baccus, the only Baccus of my Prussian army outside of guns, I will have a number of these as well by time Waterloo comes round. The rest is Adler, though long term I may end up adding more Baccus but having a rather large stash of Adler to be going at I don't expect that to happen for some time to come.

By the time I have finished the Prussians for Project Waterloo I will actually have about three Corp painted up and about four Corp including all the unpainted figures. At some point we will not only do Ligny but other battles seeing the might of Prussia tested against France and maybe other nations as well. You never know I may, just may get to play with them sometime.


  1. Replies
    1. Thanks Tamsin I have a few more to show LOL


  2. In so want a game with this lot... Lovely stuff.

    1. And you will I am sure :-) If you get to Joy of Six you can have a division if not then maybe you will have to wait for the big one


  3. They look really great! I need to start doing more with my bases, mine look a bit barren compared to yours.

    1. If you look back mine had very little on them. Now I tend to put more on them, to the point of almost filling the bases



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