
Monday 7 July 2014

Service Interruption

OK it's been far too long between posts and yes I had a number of these all planned and even fell on another that will be especially of interest to my Midland UK based followers but fell is a good word to bring all this together.

Not that I actually have fallen, well in so much words. Been a bit of a full on week or so, both through work and hobby related as I have tried to finish off a rather large chunk in the form of nine Battalions of Landwehr, lots of prep for Joy of Six and fitting in some live ASL after my original opponent could not make Sunday and I was unavailable Friday. 

Add in a busy Saturday with a trip to town followed by a lot of hobby time all wrapped up with a 3 hour ASL game that taxed my thinking as I always have to bring my A Game if I am to give Mr Mayers a good game.

Sunday was family day with a trip to a museum and that's where the wheels came off. A little too much sun and no real rest over the weekend and suddenly it's crash time. Fortunately whilst it's rather violent it's fortunately rather short in duration, never more than 18 hours. This one really ended after about six hours though I was aware I was rather delicate and could do no more than fix labels on bases and watch a DVD. Then off to bed where I was lucky enough to sleep a fair bit of the night and got up fresh and ready for another week.

Only issue is I feel I am behind by 24 hours on where I wanted to be and today was the leaving do of one of our team. Not a sad event as Ashley is striking out full time for herself and good luck to her, already an amazing talent she is going to do very well for herself. However this means another night without much done though I got home in time to do the basing work I should have done yesterday and dash off this quick post. Tomorrow should see the bases finished and the second part in my look back at the past. Now? I'm off to bed chucks.


  1. Holy cupcakes, sounds like you have a lot going on. Hope you get some good rest.

    1. I bounce back quite well. I am just not good at reading the signs. Had a good sleep last night, well till 5 anyways, so back to normal


  2. Certainly sounds like you were extremely busy! Taking a break usually works out with you having more time in the long run (more rest = faster work rate etc) hope your feeling perkier now!

    1. Much better thanks. I have a load of bases to finish tonight and that always puts a smile on my face as it's all about finishing from here on in



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