
Thursday 28 August 2014

Forest Troll & Secret Santa

I received this figure as part of my Secret Santa last year and the time was right for me to get it painted up. After all you never know when you will need a Troll do you?

Unpainted he was a rather friendly looking chap which was a worry, after all I don't want him trading cupcake recipes I want him cracking skulls. But a lick or two of paint and I thing the goodness has been left way behind. Indeed I think he is a bit of a bleeder.

So nearly nine months later here he is all painted up, hope my Santa is happy with the results. Will the players? well that's an altogether different story. I have to admit that mostly I used a series of lighter tnes drybrushed over the previous layer. 

I wanted to do something different when it came to the eyes and went with more snake eye pupils than the normal dot and it helps with the more threatening look.I also added several watered down flesh tone wash across the eyes to make them look less comfortable.

Anyway that brings me to Secret Santa, with the kids about to go back to school it must be time to start the ball rolling for this years Secret Santa. Same rules as last year. Each person who enters gets a target picked for them at random(ish) by my wife Cath. Cath intends that no one gets the same person as the previous year, so some slight re-drawing may have to be done. You need to be a follower of this blog, or have your own blog or know me. Minimum spend is £15 plus cost of postage. I recommend if you get someone in a different country to try and buy their gift from their country to cut down on the postage.

I will do a separate post next week on the subject but how about it, anyone interested?


  1. Trading cupcake recipes. HAHAHAHAHAHA.

    I laughed out loud.

    1. I did think of you as I wrote that line funny enough. Oh I got the Manor today, not had much time with it yet but I like what I have seen so far especially the stickers,, Cath laughed as she read them THEN passed it on to me LOL


  2. He will be cracking skulls with a smile on his face! Great painted troll Ian!


    1. Thanks' the smile seemed bigger before painting him so I was pleased he toned it down a little, It mush be because it's hard being green


  3. I am interested in the Secret Santa again. Will you be doing the other one where you paint some minis for someone else again? That was great.

    1. Glad your interested as well. Won't be running Santa Clause this year as it caused Cath to many problems with confused who is in what situations. I am hoping someone else will run that this year so I can join in


  4. Wonderful miniature! Packed with character. The kind of thing certain larger companies once produced before they decided other things were more important i.e. profits. You've done a lovely job painting him up too!

    1. Cheers Michael, more companies are starting to do more realistic figures again which is causing such as GW to loose sales, maybe it will go full circle?


  5. Replies
    1. Thanks Robert, not sure the players will agree though.

      Saying that I did show them on Saturday when we played and they liked him then, bet it's different if I put it on the table



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