
Wednesday 13 August 2014

Project Waterloo The French are Coming (along)

Project Quatre Bras (image curtsey and copyright Leven Miniatures)
Project Waterloo will be four times larger
I knew I was doing OK with the French, but was not really paying that much attention to them so when I loaded up the spreadsheet to update with the progress I was mighty happy to see exactly where I stood. So much so that after adding the almost finished to the list I just wanted to share.

Huss 1 0
Chassers 3 0
Lancers 4 2 On The Table
Dragoons 0 0
Curris 6 1 two on the table
Guns 28 4
Limbers 8 0
Line 52 4
Light 20 7

So as you can see they are close to being finished. I have cleaned up and primed the last of the French Cavalry and will get them painted up once I have finished the basing of the six battalions of French infantry. This will complete all the cavalry I need for Waterloo, though I still have plenty of cavalry figures in stock and will continue in the future.

The guns will also be finished at the same time as the infantry so that needs updating further. As for the infantry I will do these to follow the cavalry. I still have nine battalions of the new 1812-15 French so will paint these up after the cavalry. This will mean I will literally have just two battalions of line to do and since I have around 12 more Baccus pre 1812 battalions I can get these finished without buying any more for the time being. In fact I have about 40 battalions of French infantry that will now go onto the back burner until I have the Prussians finished. Also about 20 regiments of cavalry and a few more guns so expect the odd one done every now and then. Especially when I get the urge to do more Peninsular French and allies.

The Prussians though have rather more cavalry and guns to paint up but seven cavalry regiments, eighteen infantry battalions and ten guns and a few limbers to do. If I can get the French done quickly and I think I can then I should have the two orbats for my commitment to the project all wrapped up for Christmas which would be great. That may still leave me a few command bases yet to do but if so I am not worried as these will be quick enough and a fun diversion.

I will still have a lot of buildings to paint up but given the new batch I have received I should be also looking at the end of the year as a reasonable target. The boards are being worked on by Lea though not at the moment as he is away with work most of the time but he will get back to them once back on normal footing.

I have to say I am really happy where we are at. Lee has his half of the figures well in hand and I know he is just filling in the gaps in his orbat.


  1. They are looking good and nearing the end must be great. The table and terrain looks great too.

    1. It is a great feeling. This week has some Saga being finished off, followed by 4 cavalry regiments then it's a big chunk of the French Infantry in one go, can't wait.


  2. Looking good chief. Keep up the good work.

    1. Thanks mate. It's got it's own momentum now


  3. The final project is going to look very impressive. Keep up the good work.

    1. I plan to post images of the whole of the French in one post. This will be less than half the total French for the game but it should look great. I might even then do a shot of all the French and allies I have painted up to this point that will have a lot of extra cavalry and not a small amount of infantry


  4. That's a great looking shot.. I really want to get a game in with you two with this sometime.

    1. It's got to happen at some point, we are not getting any games at the moment as Lee is working all hours getting a few jobs done.

      Looks like we have a game to do for War Torn next year though!!



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