
Monday 1 September 2014

Angst of August

I am willing to bet that August is the slowest month for production of figure painting for the majority of bloggers. For me it certainly is as a mix of a weeks holiday and a week off work sick has all added up to make this month really flat. Sure it started well but even with this under consideration the month looks bad as you will see.

It was also a slow month for buying with only thirteen 28mm figures (twelve being half price so I could not pass them up. So at least I did not increase the mountain by much and whilst I reduced many sections I am still up on almost every category since starting to keep track!!!

6mm Infantry are still suffering from the 24 battalions bought recently but with six more painted I am up by just nine Battalions and plan to get that number painted in September so should get this back down to zero for the worlds.

6mm cavalry just got 4 regiments under the wire meaning I still have seven more to paint before I break even. These won't be touched till possibly October and it's quite possible I will be buying more at the Worlds so still looks some way off before I can get these under control.

6mm command and limbers remain the same with no change which I am afraid is as good as it gets.

6mm Guns and crews well I have 4 guns painted as well as 4 guns and crews so only the crews need to get painted. Unfortunately I bought 8 sets in July so technically I am still up by 4 sets until I get the crews done. At least that will also happen this month.

6mm Wagons remain plus 4 as I did not manage to get the one I planned done. Just like the artillery it's no big shakes as is a small paint.

6mm Planes after the first rush I have failed to paint any. As I plan to get more in October I had better get a shake on this month. Still up nine.

6mm buildings, this is going to sting as I picked up 36 in July but at least I got a good lick done painting 10 bringing the mound down to a still dizzy plus 25. Given the nature of my buying of Leven I will always have this sudden bulge appear in the mountain but each time it should be brought under control with regular painting sessions.

28mm also see's a bunch painted, this time 13 figures bringing the increase down to a manageable plus 12 and as they are for Saga I can get these off the table in October if all goes well. Nothing to worry about there then.

28mm wagons and horses remain untouched through the whole month, I really need to get those horses out of the blisters!! both remain plus two.

In case your late to the show, in May I started to record purchases against painted. Rather than reset the clock each month all buying is carried forward so it's a real record of the growth or culling of the lead and resin mountain. 

Project Waterloo and the aim of buying and painting each new Napoleonic French model released by Baccus will keep the 6mm under control and should see the end of 2014 with a reduced stash of unpainted 6mm, though this does not mean I will have no 6mm left in hand at the end of 2014!


  1. I know what you mean about August Angst, I have only managed two session all month. Well soon be dark nights which are way more productive..

    1. Well I managed more than two and really I should not be too disappointed as I did get a lot done, just not the usual output. September hopefully will be an upgrade


  2. It was a fast month for me as well though I can't really say why? Just flew past.

    PS: Thanks for the drop-in this morning. When the apple pie is done, I'll be sure to say you a slice.

    1. August is a busy month, it's summers last kiss in the UK (more often to be honest it's a wet fart but that don't sound so good)

      I will be sure to call round for that pie. Just had gooseberry and elderflower pie, that was real nice


  3. Didn't do much neither in August! Lots of things in progress, but very slow!


    1. Well I seem to be making up for it now, bench has three finished mini projects all waiting that final stage and photo's taking



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