
Thursday 18 September 2014

It's Not All 6mm and They are 50% Off at the Moment

Primed and Ready, including one GBM.
Given all the posts on the Waterloo Project and the Building of the Week you could be forgiven for thinking this is a 6mm Blog. In fact it's nearly been a year since I past painted anything 15mm something that may not get any correction for a fair time yet. However 28mm is getting some love and here is more reinforcements. 

I have enjoyed painting the WWII figures by Black Tree Design but that's all I have painted of theirs to date. I have to confess that the images on their website (grey primed figures) does not bring the figures fully to life and it was down to their half price sale that I grabbed 48 figures half for me and the other half for my son. I have to say the quality of both casting and sculpting is very good. Indeed I am wishing I had the extra funds to buy more at the moment as they have another 50% off sale on all infantry. You just need to join their Premier Membership (Free) and Bob's your Aunt.

Yet to start
So whilst I am busy finishing off my French I will also be doing a few 28's, some Western and more Vikings, all these will be without armour so a lot more colourful than my earlier attempts so something for me to look forward to.

With only a couple of weeks to go until The Worlds I am keen to get some of these done as I will be on the look out for a few extra figures for my Warlords base. All I have got so far from Black Tree will be either Warriors or Levy depending on what I have to offer but I have 12 missile armed, 4 axe and 8 spear, just so I can mix them up some.


  1. I have to admit that Black Tree Designs miniatures are among my favorites. They usually have a nice clean casting the details make them easy to paint.

    1. I am tending to think of them first for my 28's we will be doing WWII skirmish games in the future and I will be buying plenty more of these


  2. Now that's a real sale. The Fantasy figs you've painted are 25mm I think. So, it's not all been 6mm

    1. No not all but even if you go by weight I think 6mm beats all other scales by a huge amount


  3. 50% off? That's what I like to see. Killer deals.

    1. It is a killer deal, rather fitting given the subject :-)


  4. I bought from the for the first time this week - order in on Monday night, parcel arrived Thurs. Great stuff!

    1. Only one of my orders have not been fast, I emailed them and got a fairly quick reply explaining the reason and getting the ready items a few days later and the missing shields soon after

      I have heard of delivery issues but never experienced them and have ordered from them quite a few times now



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