
Saturday 27 September 2014

On The Home Front.

It's almost been a week since I last posted on the blog. Well three birthdays and a few days away with work will do that to you! Well almost back to normal as tomorrow we will be at Rufford Park in Nottinghamshire for the On The Home Front event. We did not go last year but had a great time the year before. The event itself is free with a £5 charge to park your car.

The event runs the full weekend and really does have something for everyone. Music, both live and recorded with live singers, dancers and all dressed up in their 40's best (or worst). A great mix of period vehicles and plenty of re-enactors of any type other than the Axis. I had a great chat with the Russian one's (all English). It is frustrating that the COUNCIL ban such as the German's as it is not politically correct whilst allowing Russian's who's conduct was little better than the German's but that's typical of our council I am afraid. Worse still they allow someone to sell t-shirts with Hitler on them but somehow that's OK?????

Two highlights for me was seeing the 25ld'er quad and ammo tow both moving around the field and firing. The other was the Merlin tank engine being fired up and roaring away. My son was being given a pistol bullet. This year he plans to show the guy a real bullet. Yes he has a 50cal and is not afraid to show it.

So as long as the weather holds out we should have a great day, might even taste a little bit of the war years, well that or a burger ;-)


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