
Sunday 5 October 2014

Building of the Week New Fackwerkhaus and Some

Leven Miniatures are at it again, that is they are extending a range. This time it's the Fackwerkhauser range that has just the two buildings at present but will be expanded by one with the release of FAC03. It's roughly the same size as FAC01.

FAC03                       FAC01                           FAC02
As you can see from above each house has different aspects that allow them their own identity rather than being clones of each other. I would love to see more buildings either added to the range or more English versions that can either be mixed in with them or used in their own right.

The main differences with this building is the lack of a stone foundation or lower level, an overhanging upper story window and shuttered shutters. 

All the wood work on these buildings really looks good but really adds to the painting time and difficulty but I guess that's one of the reasons I like them so much.

The overhang is only on the one side, the other side has another bank of three shuttered windows instead. Again this building could be used for other locations than Germany as it's a fairly comprehensive design, more so than the other two though these will still get some use when we finally get round to playing with the ECW figures.

Mike wanted me to paint up one of each of the Fackwerkhaus and as I had some in stock awaiting paint I thought I may as well paint up all three together. This is FAC01 the original release. It's rather cute if I am allowed to say that! The under hung stone lower level makes the building stand out. It also adds a lot of character to the building. I still have a few of these awaiting a turn on the painting table and the balance are to be painted up for the Waterloo game.

The larger of the buildings is FAC02 and is my favourite of the bunch. I actually find it slightly faster to paint than FAC01 even though the sides are a little more complex. Again this was painted up the same time as the others though I painted up the roof a little different in colour as I don't want the three to melt into one on Mikes display.

The lower stone level level really works for me, the stone work is fairly easy to paint up and adds to the bulky look of the building. 

It was a busy weekend as I was at Donnington yesterday and today I was supposed to be out but due to the effect of walking around on a concrete floor all day had left me shattered post treatment I ended up spending enough time at the paint table to get all the buildings of Hougoumont have been started with all the brick work painted with a base coat. Next up will be some contrast work to the bricks before moving onto the roofs etc.

I will do a report on the show tomorrow if all goes well. In the meantime here is a couple of links for previous posts

Secret Santa, still time to sign up but I will be closing it in two weeks time.

French Give Away, I will be drawing three prizes in around a weeks time, 2x £20 vouchers to by anything Baccus sells and either La Haye Sainte or buildings to it's value from Leven Miniatures whichever you wish.


  1. Hey Ian - Did you get to listen or see the game? Win for the Black & Gold but Tim is not thrilled with the way they are playing, this year.

    1. I did and I'm with Tim 100%. OK we won but that was against a winless team and still it was closer than it should have been.

      Next week is another must win game, at least they are struggling as well


    2. That is pretty neat that you get to see it there. Hope next week is better.

    3. Did not watch the game but had Steeler Radio on, have followed the games like this for 5+ years and love the commentary.


  2. The overhanging windows are actually dormer windows

    1. That was the word that was escaping me LOL



  3. They are very cool buildings Ian!

    1. Cheers Roger, I have done two of them quite a few times now, though that's OK as they are nice to work on


  4. What fabulous additions to the collection Ian.

    1. Thanks Michael though not to my collection as I have done them for Mike at Leven for his trade stand.


  5. You have done a fantastic job as always. how many 6mm buildings do you have now? Enough for a city, I am sure.

    1. I don't actually know the answer, I would say about 100 painted and 40 or so unpainted but both could be larger.

      My town on a game table would indeed be a city at the scale. I still have plans to paint up a fair few more for my own collection.

      I also have a lot of Spanish/Italian style, only the Russian buildings are on the light side but once we go to Russia I will expand that side. The thing is that Lee also has a lot of buildings so between us we really can cover our needs.



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