
Sunday 26 October 2014

Pioneer Wagon - Warbases

Ok the last of the current run of posts on the wild west is this Warbases Pioneers Wagon kit at £4 and again it's a quick kit to make up as you would expect for it's size and number of pieces.

Nothing much for a paint job just flat brown for a base coat followed by a bit of Iraqi Sand (both Vallejo) drybrushed on to give a bit of depth to the colour.

I added a bit of linen cloth to give it a cover. I may go back to this and paint it off white and if I had thought about it would have stained it with tea at the time.

Like most MDF items it does not stand close inspection but it's fine for street furniture for a fun game. Mainly being for the kids I am not too hot about doing the best finish and it's more about getting things game ready than making them look great. Saying that I am not unhappy with the results.

I think when I took the photos I had not painted the wheel rims as they look rather brown. Action shots later will show I did actually paint them up.

The cowboy collection is really coming along now. We have plenty of figures for a reasonable sized game and still have more buried in the pile, though I cleaned up a few and undercoated them a month or so ago so they will get done in the not too distant future. I will also continue to paint up the buildings and I hope to get another done end part of this week though being away with work a couple of days will put a spanner in the works.


  1. Thats a nice wagon there Ian and I am thinking I need one of them. I like the canvas cover too

  2. You can't knock that at the price it comes in at. Love what you've done with the cover too.

    1. Cheers Michael, you would splat gore all over yours though ;-)


  3. Great looking wagon Ian. I think I will need one too!

    1. More like two!!

      Actually I will pick up another as the price is right


  4. I've heard about dying with tea but haven't tried it yet. Probably work great for your piece.

  5. I have done it in the past and with this it really would work.


  6. Looking good.. Try coating the wagon covering in thinned PVA it will strengthen it adore you stain it,,


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