
Monday 13 October 2014

Secret Santa - The Last Week

I have decided to set the closing date early for the Secret Santa to allow plenty of time to get your target sorted out and that date will be this coming Sunday the 19th of October. 

If you have signed up please check below to make sure you are listed. If not send me an email or message on this post.

Not signed up yet but want in then leave a message below. The idea for anyone not aware is that each person involved gets a target randomly drawn by my wife Cath who they get to buy a wargames related present to the value of about £15 (or equivalent in foreign money). I suggest you buy the gift in the country of your target to cut down on postage though Cath does tend to group say the USA together if enough numbers involved etc to make life easier. Also she will re-draw anyone who has bought for the same person in either of the previous two years.

Anyway I have two lists below, one for those who have contacted only by the comments and those who have emailed. Anyone who has not emailed can you do so with your full details (Name, address and blog name if you have one) this will allow Cath to provide your gifter with the information they will need to sort your present out.

It is OK to put up a wish list on your blog, or email Cath to give to your gifter or let them decide. I can't recommend nipping on your targets blog and having a good rummage as you can come up with great ideas that way. My target last year was really happy with his present as it was something he was planning on getting at a later date which I had guessed from a previous post from earlier in the year. Result was two happy bloggers LOL.

Got Your Email Details at Least.
Brendan Watts
Jake Bledsoe
Andy McMaster
Conrad Kinch
Chris Stolsen
Ray Rousell (can you email Cath or me as an email bounced that Cath sent you)
Stefan (AKA Monty)
Dave Docherty
Flags of War Iain
Thomas Nissvik
Markus Sharaput
Patrick Ballinger
Stuart Markham
Gary Amos
Ian Willey

Not Got Your Email please contact me.
Thomas Richer
J Miller
Leif Eriksson
Ron Carnegie
Edwin King
Fire Monkey Boy
Paul Smith
Largo W
Mike Whitaker

of course I could have your email lost somewhere on this computer so if your on the bottom list just be sure and send again and I will send on to the boss.

Not on either list and you should be, again let me know. Also if you want to join in and it's before the 19th October 2014 then please join the fun. It would be great to crack the 30 mark.


  1. It comes around so quickly!

  2. Awesome. I am looking forward to this.

  3. On the first day of Christmas my hobby chap sent to me... ;-)

    Many thanks for adding me. I'm really looking forward to stroll around Crisis show in Antwero to look for a nice present...


  4. Well coming from the official home country of Santa Claus there's no way I can skip this. Spreading gaming joy around is never a bad idea :)

    Might have to keep my eye out for good gift ideas at Crisis too then

  5. Thanks for the updates, still need some more.

    We now have another added to the total so getting close to 30!



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