
Wednesday 5 November 2014

Adler Prussian Line Regiments

I have been really motivated to getting all the figures for Project Waterloo finished this side of Christmas and I gave it a boost with these six Battalions. I actually can get away with just two more Battalions of Landwehr for the infantry though I will also paint up the third Battalion for other games whilst I am at it. Probably not this month though as I feel like taking a bit of a break from the infantry but I still expect to paint up some 6mm this month.

Here we have all three Battalions of the 10th Line Regiment (1st Silesian)  which were part of the IV Corp 13th Infantry Brigade. IV Corp was the most committed at Waterloo having missed out on the fighting two days prior.

1st Battalion in column marching past a discarded limber, The regiment has yellow facings being from Silesia and this regiment has really colourful red flags which I happened to actually have.  Again I also painted up a number of command figures to add to the bases.

The 2nd Battalion, also in column marches on, I really enjoy spending the extra time on the flags. Folding them into wind tussled or folded heaps and painting the edges only takes about 5-10 minutes a flag but the result is much better than the straight flap of paper.

The Fusilier Battalion had Jagers attached where the other two did not s adds a nice point of difference though our rules do not treat these different for the Prussians.

Rear view of the 1st and 2nd Battalions. The blanket role always adds to an otherwise plain uniform and helps distinguish them as Prussian.

The 11th Line Regiment (2nd Silesian) is the sister of the 10th and the only difference is that the 1st and 2nd Battalions carried blue colours. The 11th was also in the IV Corp but was in the 14th Infantry Brigade.

1st Battalion, in this case I based them on a rather loose look as I did not cut the figures off their original bases. It's better to do so but it does add to the time to finish but that's a poor excuse really.

2nd Battalion is in line and benefited from me being rather less lazy. Whilst I enjoyed painting all these up I started to rush the end game and as such started to loose patience with myself and is part of the reason I am taking most of November off. Not because I don't want to do them or am enjoying it but to get away from the sense of rushing them. I want to enjoy and relax into the last troops and not feel the need to push on.

I based the Fusilier Battalion also on spaced bases so they ended up in three ranks, something I think works do to the way they fought quite often. 

This completes all the regular infantry, I still have a few line and reserve figures, enough for about six or nine battalions so these will be done at my leisure and enough Landwehr to paint up about twelve battalions so these will also get to the painting desk, probably when we decide to do the other big battle of the 100 Days. I also plan to paint up the four regiments of Prussian Cuirassiers I bought from Adler when I first bought the Prussians as I always planned to use them beyond the 1815 campaign. They will be done sooner than the spare infantry but I can't say beyond that.


  1. Replies
    1. Thanks Tamsin, you won't see many more Prussians after these, well not newly painted anyway


  2. Replies
    1. Cheers Phil, feel really happy the project is getting close to ending


  3. Lovely stuff as always Ian. Really looking forward to seeing your Waterloo game!

    1. It's going to be a barn burner, should take a few months to play out though


  4. They are top quality stands Ian! Very nice work.

    1. Thanks Roger, they have joined the rest in storage ready for the game


  5. Replies
    1. That one will come once I have all the needed figures painted and we will do one of all the troops being used in the game before setting up the game. That one will be epic


  6. Crikey I nearly missed these! Lovely additions Ian.

    1. Thanks Michael, just three Battalions, three cavalry regiments and 8 guns to go. Rather looking forward to painting what I want and not what I need but happy I have done it


  7. Excellent work on these tiny blobs. I'm really impressed by your basing.

    1. Cheers, the basing concept was all Lee's but I am not above stealing ideas.

      Somewhere on here is the tutorial



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