
Saturday 15 November 2014

Napoleonic Prussian Command by Adler

Sorry for the lack of posting been away with work a few days then the works Christmas party was last night so not been around.

Good job I have more figures to show from last month as I have not had much time at all at the desk. Anyway on with the show. Whilst painting up the Prussian regiments I also got these Adler command painted up. This batch actually doubles the number of command bases I own and gives me enough for Project Waterloo so another tick in the completed box.

I now have sixteen command stands and still have loads of command figures left over. These will possibly be needed when I expand the rest of the army as well as being added to some of the infantry battalions bases so most should get used.

A nice mix of poses and uniform style, while most are painted in grey or blue I had some fun with the Hussar ADC's, with the Prussian's you need to take opportunities where you can.

So this leaves me with a few battalions of infantry, a few cavalry regiments and a bunch of guns to paint up. These are stuck in the queue as I am working on the two Hougoumont sets that will be released by Leven in the next month or so. Should have them finished in the next week or two so it's going to cramp any figure painting as I just don't have any room on the table.


  1. These look very nice and you have soften my resolve to Nappies as I am starting to get some but in 28mm, Its all your fault dont you know :p

    1. Happy to take the blame but 28mm? I think you should go the route of 15/18mm unless you have a table 12 oot wide ;-)


  2. They are very nice indeed Ian. I can't believe how much detail you get on these little fellows - you must eat an enormous amount of carrots to keep your eyes going so well :-) "Works Christmas party"in the middle of November!?! trying to make every evening count once the Analogue Challenge begins eh?

    1. I get this view that 6mm is so hard to paint and get the detail out of every few posts but believe me it's far easier than you think. Most important is good light, I use a daylight lamp (2 foot tube x2) helps a great deal. Next is the use of a wash once painted as this really brings up the detail. It's also key that you don't have to paint it like a 15+mm figure to look good


    2. You also got me regards the Christmas party, hope everyone at work did not guess the evil plan LOL


  3. Replies
    1. Thanks Roger, not much more to do now


  4. A lovely command Ian, hope the works do wasn't too painful.

    1. Really enjoyed it and despite arriving with a headache it went well helped by the headache going. Unusual in that everyone tends to get on at work so no alcohol fuelled home truths were a threat. Mind you I had just three cokes and it was a free bar LOL


  5. Wonderfull painted minis Ian!



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