
Sunday 2 November 2014

Spinning Out October

So another month is in the books and time to look at how well I did in October at reducing the Lead Mountain. It may look like it was one big flog but let me spin you a story give you another point of view.

October starts tough with a wargames show, given I go to about three maybe four shows a year it kind of means that I will buy a disproportionate amount of figures in that one month. I also bought into a new scale/period for playing at Kev's and lastly I received a Kickstarter I backed nearly two years ago. So all in all I don't feel too bad, well until I get the responses.

Infantry, started the month flat having painted back to even's but buying he ancients and new French Guard from Baccus brought in eight battalions worth of figures whilst I painted just six leaving me with two on the plus side.
Cavalry I again bought five more regiments worth but painted not a single unit, that just adds to my woes leaving me PLUS 12 on these.
Command is much better as I have now painted up all the command I need for Project Waterloo denting the mountain by twenty three figures but apart from command figures on battalion bases that is me finished with these for awhile leaving me with quite a few spare.
Limbers remain Flat and I just need to paint up one more for Project Waterloo so again I am left with more to paint at some point.Guns I also bought the new Baccus foot and horse Guard Artillery adding 8 guns and crews to the pile. I will paint these up soon and also more Prussian guns so this pile will be reduced some.
Elephants were bought at the show so I have 6 to paint and these will remain on the list till I have the Zulu's finished.
Wagons have not been touched so remain on PLUS 4
Buildings, I started the Project Waterloo ones but these don't need to be finished till December and so have been put to one side awaiting this month to finish them, this means I got one whole building finished this month leaving me on PLUS 49 that's a hard figure to accept but it will be broken down by the end of November.
Planes remain the same at PLUS 9, just need to make time and get on with them.

20mm Bought into this scale this month so PLUS 96 in infantry and will stay on this till Project Waterloo is finished so won't be touched till early next year.

28mm This scale is starting to get fairly regular attention so you would expect more results right?
Infantry Bought just two more figures for Roleplaying but painted eleven in the month. Result I here you say. Well I started on PLUS 12 so finished on PLUS 3. I have eight figures not quite finished which will be finished this coming week so I will be making progress finally.
Horses, I have the Warbases ones on the table and now just need varnish so they remain PLUS 2 for October but are done.
Buildings, Bought five for the cowboys at Derby and have painted the one so remain on PLUS 5 as I already had the one building. This figure will continue to drop. Also bought and painted a gallows to go with the building.
I also bought four coffin's, these are almost finished and will get off the table over this week so I should be creating a fair bit of space.

32mm A new period and scale finally arrived but just adds to the shame report for a few months at least as I just don't have the time for them.

So not the best of months on the face of it but looking at the bigger picture I should by the end of November have most of the 6mm categories if not back to levels pre exercise at least well on their way. True the two new scales will remain the same but the 28mm should all be well in hand and with no wargame shows to attend and with virtually no figures on the buy plan I can see the next two months bringing a lot of honour back to the endeavour. It is possible of course that my Secret Santa will through me a curve ball but that's quite a nice ball.


  1. You were more productive than I was by a long shot. One dio and a single. Still in my slump it seems.

    1. If you enjoyed what you did then I don't really see it as a slump, taking it easy and not getting worked up about the amount done should be fine and dandy. Your always about quality not quantity though


  2. That is still a nice big lead/plastic mountain... Good man!

    1. I know November will be a turning point you can actually see. I finished eight Saga figures last night, just need to base them for them to count. Next up for figures are some Mansion of Madness that I have had for far too long. Mixed in with these are a lot of buildings


  3. Doesn't sound that bad. Crry on, chap!

    1. Just happens to have a lot of plus figures and buildings but that will start to drop in the key scales this month so I know it's under control.

      Was talking with a good mate earlier in the week and he has twice been at the point of having painted almost all he had. Don't think I will ever get that good but I do expect a far leaner pile this time next year



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