
Sunday 23 November 2014

Zulu's Off The Table

With almost all my attention on getting the 6mm Napoleonic's painted up I have allowed these figures fall out of sight. Given that I have about 300 more figures to paint I really need to crack on. Well I should be able to throw more time at them soon as the figures for Project Waterloo are close to completion though I have not painted a single 6mm figure this month. These are Baccus Zulu's and are very nice castings.

These are for Matt and so will be based once he has all of them back from me, so some time to go yet then. Just two regiments to go with the four I had already done, these are uDududu and Skirmishers. Both should have small white patches on the shields but at this scale it did not look right so I repainted after a few attempts.

Whilst they are reasonably quick to paint up on the whole they don't half soak up time to the end as I got to the laces and spots on the shields. I think I will do the last lot of standard units all in one go, go a little industrial. Then it's the few bases that have the captured rifles, looking forward to that bit.

The next 6mm will be the Leven soon to be released Hougoumont set that I finished painting up yesterday, expect it in the next few days.


  1. My hat is off to you, sir. They look great and that's quite the Zulu painting factory you've got running there. I do something similar with mine but only paint a strip at a time as my brain would melt with any more. Nice busy painting table I see in the background as well :-)

    1. Thanks, I plan to try and finish the lot off during the challenge, should be good for a few points .

      Yes quite busy, though a lot of them are finished figures yet to be photographed


  2. "Zulus, Sah. Tharsands of 'em!"

    Well, hundreds at any rate :)

    Your painting table looks rather busy at the moment - clearing everything before the Challenge?

    1. You got that right, also some figures I had promised to get doe and want them done and sent back


  3. That's a truly epic mass of figures and well done too.

    I don't know how so many of you are getting so much done this close to the Challenge. I've quit painting until the 5th so that the itch to paint will build and I'll be anxious to pick up the brush.

    1. I'm getting less done than I planned, wanted to get the Naps almost finished, will have more to do than I had hoped.

      I manage a fairly constant amount of time painting each and every month so run in to the challenge won't make much difference really


  4. That's a formidable unit Ian, you are certainly clocking up the numbers this year.

    1. In 6mm I have actually done less than the previous two but in part it's running down of Project Waterloo that is the reason. The other is the amount of 28's that have made the table.


  5. That's a truly impressive amount of Zulus you got there. Very nice work!

    1. Thanks, more yet to come and lots more that is


  6. The Zulus are looking fantastic Ian! Very nice work!

    1. Thanks Roger, wait till the next lot, will put me off them for life LOL



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