
Saturday 20 December 2014

Analogue Painting Challenge Week Two and New Shiny Through the Post

More good progress on the figure painting front and I continue to paint above my target but how long that will continue I don't know. I have not painted at all in the last two days though but hope to fix that this afternoon. 

I managed to finish two entries this week, the Prussians in time for Tuesday and forty eight 15mm Romans that will be presented on Tuesday. I should also get my bonus round figures also finished by then and be well on my way with figures from a new project but these won't make the deadline.

I got the trees over a week ago, the light green ons may need a little toning down whilst the darker ones are the same as the originals. Really happy with the service and price, got to get the more round ones next.

I also got myself a few Baccus figures. The last three new French Napoleonic cavalry just one unit of each so I can paint them up so I have all the new French, see what I do for you guys?

I also got some Ancient command figures and peltasts that will allow me to work on a number of bases for the Hail Caesar side project that I hope to drag either Lee or Matt into. 


  1. Always nice to get some new stuff!

    1. Well it is but that mountain is supposed to be shrinking LOL


  2. Great progress indeed Ian, well done Sir.

    1. You wait till today's entries are posted, I have been busy


  3. My hat goes off to you Ian as I cannot believe the output that you and other are producing for this. In fact you produce more stuff is a couple of week than I produce all year. I have to get some of those trees.

    1. A slight exaggeration I think Pete, besides your quality trumps my production :-)


  4. I grabbed some of those trees too... dipped them in very watery PVA glue mix then heavily sprinkled with WS dark Fine turf. Look great , just need basing...

    1. I have the same job to do. Will have to do something with them in the New Year I guess


  5. Hi Ian - I'm just starting my 6mm terrain collection for my new ECW project.
    I'm really interested in how your trees came out - any recommendations?


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