
Monday 29 December 2014

Essex Miniatures Dominate Roman Legions.

I started this army in last years Challenge but got no further than the first Legion. I then lost sight of them until it was time to prep for the 2014/5 Challenge and found a box with about 100 prepped figures for this army. 

So I set myself the target of painting up all the prepped figures from last year and prepped yet more to drive this project along. The original unit is shown at the back of the image above along with the 48 newly painted figures.

I have to be honest and say that I was not enjoying painting these but started to feel better about them once I was getting close to the end. I took the easy option with these and painted up the shields in Black Grey as I had seen images of shields as such though probably not meant for the main troops.

These guys are much brighter and will stand out on the table. Again I used the internet as my source for the shield design.

This gives me three units of heavy infantry and will be the main part of the infantry component. By this period the Romans did not rely on their foot so much and had heavy hitting cavalry and as such about half the troops will be mounted when I finish the army though I have yet to prep any mounted for this army.

Not brilliantly painted but they look OK and I think the army will come together quite well once I get onto the cavalry. I am close to finishing a small unit of slingers and have a bunch of bow armed troops on the table. I will continue to bounce from one period to the next as I have a lot of different projects calling my name.

The Christmas break did not see me get as much time at the painting table as it could but I did get a reasonable amount and have a few more submissions ready for posting in the Challenge.


  1. Splendid work Ian. I can't get over how much detail you managed to pick out with these Romans. I really like the red and blue shields. Completely get what you're saying about not enjoying some of your painting - just had to get through a similar bout because a miniature wasn't going to plan. Bouncing from period to period is a great way to keep the batteries charged imho... or blog reading :-)

    1. Well the detail is given by Essex, they do know how to pack it into the figures.

      Bouncing from one project to another is fairly new to me as for the last two plus years I have felt guilty about painting anything not Napoleonic. Funny thing is the next item on the paint desk is actually 6mm Napoleonic but it's been a fun idea I have had for well over a year and now I have the time to do it


  2. Wonderful looking Romans Ian!

    1. Thanks Roger, just finished the brushwork on some slingers that will get finished with the Naps on the go at the moment in time for next Tuesday


  3. "Romani ite domum!"

    Nice bunch of legionaries Ian :)

  4. Damn fine work that man! I'd like a pop at Late day???

    1. Not sure how good they will be though, Lee is almost demanding a game LOL


  5. They look nice Ian and I know what you mean about having to slog through something that just hasn't grabbed you.

    1. I am mostly lucky that what ever I have a go at I am happy to go along with it. The fact they keep falling off the sticks and have crap bases for glueing when finished are part of the issue but the figures themselves are good and I have loads of Essex.


  6. Good job! You are too modest - they look great, and there must be a fair bit of satisfaction in getting them done.


  7. They look great! Maybe I should switch my 28mm ones for some Essex as they look very nice en masse.

    1. Thanks though I think I am just honest, they could look better and I could do better. It's only the fact they have good detail that I got away with it LOL


    2. Sorry comment was for Prufrock.

      I have not painted up any Essex 28's so can't compare really



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